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Self-Storage Real Estate in Western Canada: A Review of 2009, Predictions for 2010

Article-Self-Storage Real Estate in Western Canada: A Review of 2009, Predictions for 2010

As an industry, self-storage is growing throughout the Canadian provinces, with some markets having experienced significant expansion in the past several years. The following overview provides a summary of storage development and real estate in the western half of the country during 2009 and some predictions for the year ahead. 

Most of the major markets in Alberta and British Columbia experienced a significant increase in supply in the five years up to and including 2008. However, construction tailed off significantly in 2009, and very little new supply is projected for completion this year.

Self-storage supply in the Vancouver Lower Mainland increased by nearly 400,000 square feet annually, or an average of six facilities per year, between 2005 and 2008. In 2009, however, only one new facility was completed (45,000 square feet), as well as two expansions to existing sites, for a total addition of approximately 115,000 square feet.

The outlook for 2010 is for the completion of one new conversion facility (108,000 square feet) and two expansions. However, one facility will be removed to accommodate highway improvements, resulting in a net anticipated addition to the supply of 51,000 square feet.

Facilities in Chilliwack came onto the scene late last year, bringing the total supply in the Lower Mainland to an approximate 6.1 million square feet in 111 facilities. This supply represents approximately 2.4 square feet per capita using population estimates from B.C. statistics.

The Capital Regional District has a supply of approximately 693,000 square feet of self-storage in 24 facilities, with an estimated supply per capita of 2 square feet. There were no new additions to supply last year, though a small expansion is underway at one conversion site, which will add about 7,500 square feet to the inventory in 2010.

The Nanaimo trade area will have a supply of 422,000 square feet of self-storage in 15 facilities upon completion of a new 90,000-square-foot facility this spring. There were no new additions in 2009.

Calgary and Edmonton each have an estimated supply of about 2.5 square feet per capita. A new 95,000-square-foot facility in Edmonton was completed last year. To my knowledge, there are no new facilities to be completed in 2010; however, several existing facilities have expansion capability. There was no new self-storage space constructed in Calgary in 2009, though there are several new facilities in the design stage that may move forward this year but will not be complete until 2011.

In summary, there was very little new self-storage space added in the western markets in 2009 and limited new development is anticipated for 2010. 

Fewer Rent Increases

Rent in most Lower Mainland markets remained stable during 2009, with little or no movement. There were some exceptions where rents were increased, including East Surrey/Cloverdale, and one very competitive area, the Newton area of Surrey, where rent decreased because of a significant increase in supply over the past few years. For the most part, any rent increases were selective and based on demand for specific unit sizes. In the markets with new supply, there has been significant discounting of rent as well as rental-incentive programs.

In British Columbia, self-storage operators are waiting to see the effect the new harmonized sales tax (HST), to be implemented in July 2010, on self-storage demand. The HST will combine the 7 percent provincial sales tax not currently applied to self-storage with the 5 percent federal goods and services tax that is applied to self-storage rents. The general feeling is the 12 percent tax will diminish operators’ ability to raise rents, at least in the first year. However, this will be partially offset by tax credits for provincial taxes currently paid but not recovered. Also, as Alberta has no provincial sales tax, HST is not a concern in that area.

Outlook for 2010: There should be some selective rent increases based on occupancy and in British Columbia, where it can be implemented before the HST is applied in July. 

Occupancy Varies

It’s difficult to generalize about occupancies in the western markets because the submarkets vary widely based on supply. In the Vancouver Lower Mainland, where the supply is stable, occupancies are generally in the range of 90 percent. Despite that there was little new supply in 2009 and limited new supply anticipated for this year, several submarkets are still in recovery from supply added between 2005 and 2008.

New supply combined with slower economic conditions has resulted in some competitive submarkets with reduced occupancy. In areas where there is a significant supply, leaseup of new facilities or expansion of existing sites has been slow or flat over the past year. Reportedly, occupancies are down in the Nanaimo and Victoria markets as well as the B.C. interior cities.

Occupancies in the Edmonton market were down an estimated 5 percent to 10 percent in 2009 when compared to the previous year. It’s been reported that in some competitive markets, rents have been lowered in an attempt to increase occupancy.
Outlook for 2010: There are signs of recovery in early 2010 in most markets surveyed.

Buying and Selling Self-Storage

The Alberta and B.C. self-storage markets continue to be characterized by few sales. Although it was predicted that capitalization rates would rise with interest rates, interest rates have remained low, and there is little direct evidence to indicate cap rates have risen. What has changed is the amount of time required to sell a property, as the gap between vendors’ and purchasers’ expectations remains.

In British Columbia, there were two sales in late 2009 of facilities with almost 90,000 square feet of net rentable area (NRA). One was well-established in an interior town, with stabilized occupancy and a good location. It sold for an estimated 8 percent cap rate after one year of marketing ($106 per square foot of NRA).

The other facility had a more urban location within the Lower Mainland, in an area with a significant amount of new supply, which affected occupancy. The property, which has the potential to add a third phase, has been on the market since 2007. The sale price (share sale) reflected a value per square foot of NRA in the range of $129, after adjustment for the expansion potential, and a cap rate lower than 6.5 percent. A small, 15,000-square-foot facility in Victoria sold in mid-2009 at an estimated cap rate of 6.5 percent after being on the market since 2007.

To my knowledge, there were very few sales in Alberta in 2009, though two small facilities (31,000 and 25,000 square feet) in the towns of Stoney Plain and Whitecourt sold at prices indicating a range of $61 to $123 per square foot of NRA. Both have land for expansion. 

Predictions for 2010

Judging by the current state of the Canadian self-storage industry, a limited new supply in all markets should result in an improvement in occupancy, depending on economic conditions. There will be modest rent increases on select unit sizes based on occupancy, and there will be uncertainty in the B.C. market based on the potential effect of the HST. Few facility sales will be completed due to the limited amount of product on the market and the gap between purchasers’ and sellers’ expectations as to value. Finally, a re-entry of large players is possible based on the availability of capital. 

Candace Watson is the principal of Canadian Self Storage Valuation Services Inc., which provides appraisal and feasibility analyses to self-storage owners and developers. Watson has been appraising self-storage facilities since 1978 and has evaluated approximately 40 percent of the current supply in the Lower Mainland. She is a regular speaker at industry tradeshows and conferences. To reach her, call 604.681.2929; e-mail [email protected].

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Overview of Self-Storage in Western Canada: Holding Steady During Difficult Times

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U-Store-It Partners With Two Men and a Truck for Moving and Storage Services

Article-U-Store-It Partners With Two Men and a Truck for Moving and Storage Services

U-Store-It Trust and Two Men and a Truck Inc. have formed an alliance that brings together a self-storage provider with a franchised local and long-distance moving company.

As part of the program, U-Store-It has launched a promotion that provides new U-Store-It self-storage customers with a free move, including loading and moving, using Two Men and a Truck’s services. The two companies have locations close to one another across the country, allowing self-storage customers to take advantage of the moving and storage promotion.

"This is an exciting relationship between two companies with complementary services and common markets," said Dean Jernigan, CEO of U-Store-It. "We know that many of our customers use storage for moving, and this alliance with Two Men and a Truck can help provide them with the services they need. U-Store-It and Two Men and a Truck share a commitment to providing quality services to achieve high customer satisfaction, which makes this a natural fit for us, as well as our customers."

"We are excited about working with U-Store-It and look forward to extending reliable, professional moving services to their customers,” said Brig Sorber, president and CEO of Two Men and a Truck.

U-Store-It Trust is a self-administered and self-managed real estate investment trust that owns or manages 374 facilities and operates the U-Store-It Network, which consists of approximately 725 additional self-storage facilities.

Two Men and a Truck franchises offer moving, packing and unpacking for homes and businesses. Locations also sell boxes and packing supplies.

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Operation Safeguard Fights Terrorism by Educating Self-Storage Owners

Article-Operation Safeguard Fights Terrorism by Educating Self-Storage Owners

The state of New York has launched an initiative called Operation Safeguard, the goal of which is to curtail terrorist activity by educating owners of self-storage and other businesses about potential signs of threat. According to a recent article by The Klaxon, law-enforcement officials hope businesses in rural communities―particularly self-storage facilities―will be able to provide information on suspicious behavior.
According to the article, self-storage facilities have been used as staging locations for terrorist activities in the past, for example, the Oklahoma City bombing executed by Timothy McVeigh. Storage facilities are a logical choice as they often provide relative privacy and 24-hour access.
Items business owners should watch for as potentials signs of terrorist activity include fertilizer, specifically ammonium nitrate (ANFO), and hydrogen peroxide. The Klaxon article also provided ideas law enforcement can use to help build a better cooperative network with self-storage operators: 

  • Make a list and map each storage facility within a particular jurisdiction.
  • Make regular police patrols of each facility and, if the facility has a manager, require officers to check in with him.
  • Ask storage operators to ensure proper photo ID is presented and photocopied at the time of each rental.
  • Ask storage operators to request a credit card for each rental, even when a customer insists on paying in cash.
  • Ask facility operators to report any behavior that may be deemed suspicious, i.e., numerous late-night visits, the storage of chemicals, strange odors, etc. 

According to the article, if officials can remove self-storage from the options for terrorist operations, they can help prevent future attacks.
Source: The Klaxon, Preventing terrorism one self-storage facility at a time

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Storage Business Owners Alliance Presents Webinar on Website Features, April 14

Article-Storage Business Owners Alliance Presents Webinar on Website Features, April 14

The Storage Business Owners Alliance LLC (SBOA), an organization that enables small to mid-size self-storage operators to take advantage of enhanced buying power and bulk discounts, will host a webinar on April 14 to demonstrate the automated features of its website at The 30-minute event will take place at 2 p.m. EDT. SBOA members will learn how to use the website to access savings from dozens of vendors through pre-negotiated deals.
SBOA, launched in February, currently has more than 270 member facilities. The organization regularly adds new vendors and specials to its offerings. Members can save on expense items such as office supplies, credit card processing fees, payroll processing, and merchandise for resale.
Enrollment in the SBOA is open to any self-storage facility owner or operator. The company was founded by Morgan Hanlon, Ian Burnstein and David Levenfeld, owners of multiple self-storage facilities who realized a need for smaller operators to band together to compete with larger companies.

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Safebox Portable Storage

Article-Safebox Portable Storage

U.K. self-storage operator Safebox now offers portable storage in addition to self-storage and document-storage services.

With the new service, the company drops off the portable-storage container at a customer’s home or business, and the customer has a designated amount of time to fill it. Safebox then collects the container and stores it at a storage facility until the customer requests delivery. Customers can also access their belongings in the containers while stored. The service is currently available to customers within 40 miles of Cambridge, England.

Safebox Self Storage is part of the Safebox Group of Cos., which includes Safebox Self Storage in Cambridge and Safebox Document Storage, a fully managed archiving service to clients across Cambridgeshire, Hertfordshire, Essex, Suffolk and North London.

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Self-Storage Talk: Self-Storage vs. Pods, Website for Self-Storage Booking Engine, Website for Self-Storage Booking Engine

Smart Storage Concepts, a wholly owned subsidiary of Smart Marketing Concepts, launched a new website for its fully hosted, customizable booking engine that integrates directly into a self-storage operation’s website. The site offers a centralized reservation system that streamlines the process of renting a storage unit online into three easy clicks.
By using an embedded reservations engine on its home page, a small to mid-size self-storage operator can provide online visitors the ability to view rates and available inventory in real time, as well as deliver instant confirmation with e-mail verification. Implementing and using the system requires no additional hardware, software or advanced technological skill. A storage facility can have its new reservations platform up and running within 24 hours.
The new website also offers search engine optimization (SEO) and video search engine optimization (VSEO). The company employs a staff of certified SEO specialists to help brands get listed on Google and Bing as well as YouTube and other video websites. The staff offers expertise in reservation processing, call-center operations and other e-commerce activities.
Headquartered in Oldsmar, Fla., Smart Marketing Concepts was formed in 2003 to provide Internet-marketing solutions and next-generation technology to a wide variety of companies in need of online, unit-based, transaction-processing software as well as real-time management and an online reservations system. The company has more than 30 years of management and consulting experience in travel-related and other businesses such as airlines, car rentals, hotels and more.

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Florida Self Storage Association Hosts Legal Seminar, May 5

Article-Florida Self Storage Association Hosts Legal Seminar, May 5

The Florida Self Storage Association (FSSA) will be host a four-hour “Legal Update” seminar on May 5, 1-5 p.m., as part of its spring conference and tradeshow in Lake Buena Vista, Fla. Hosted at Disney’s Contemporary Resort, the session will be led by self-storage attorney Scott Zucker, who will cover: 

  • Understanding and using your rental agreement
  • From delinquency to lien sale: a statutory review
  • Handling the lien auction: rules and procedures 

The seminar will also include time for general Q&A. It is open to all self-storage owners and managers, but space is limited. A registration form can be found at
The seminar is sponsored by Bader Co., a provider of self-storage insurance products.
The FSSA is a non-profit organization comprised of individuals who have an interest in the self-storage industry in Florida. Members include facility owners, operators, developers, investors, managers and suppliers.

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Englands Space Station Self Storage Gives Back to Community

Article-Englands Space Station Self Storage Gives Back to Community

Space Station Self Storage in Slough, Berkshire, England, is giving back to the community.

The company’s most recent efforts include giving Easter eggs to children receiving treatment at Wexham Park Hospital in Slough. Several Space Station employees spent an afternoon at the hospital handing out chocolate while playing and chatting with the children.

The self-storage company also sponsored the Slough Central Panthers football team in the local Observer Industrial league.

"Most people drive past and see our big building but don't realize our staff live and work in Slough and are part of the community the same as everyone else," said Manager Jon Slade. "Doing a little here and there where we can to help others in the community is good for the staff, who see a positive impact from what they do and for those we can help."

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Safe and Secure Automated Self Storage Wins Outstanding Green Facility Award

Article-Safe and Secure Automated Self Storage Wins Outstanding Green Facility Award

Safe and Secure Automated Self Storage of Coconut Creek, Fla., received the 2010 Outstanding Green Facility Award, which recognizes a self-storage facility’s commitment to community and the environment.

Presented by Mini-Storage Messenger, a monthly trade periodical for the self-storage industry and the flagship publication of MiniCo Publishing, the award committee considered each entrant based on its energy- and water-efficient features, indoor-air quality, overall design and landscaping, LEED certification, overall environmental impact, green marketing techniques, and use of innovative and environmentally friendly building materials.
Safe and Secure is the flagship facility of the Pugliese Co. and the first self-storage facility worldwide to use the Automated Self Storage Systems patent-pending technology. Opened in 2009, the facility has garnered international interest for its economical and environmental benefits for self-storage and other industries.
MiniCo Publishing is a division of Phoenix-based MiniCo Inc., which provides specialty insurance programs, publications, and other products and services for the self-storage industry.

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Proposal for Self-Storage Facility on U.S.-Mexico Border Rejected

Article-Proposal for Self-Storage Facility on U.S.-Mexico Border Rejected

A proposal to build a 44-unit self-storage facility in Nogales, Ariz., was rejected by the Nogales Planning and Zoning Commission with a 3-1 vote this week.

Nogales Properties proposed to build the facility facing the Arizona-Mexico border near Interstate 19. The strip of land was once a site of cross-border tunneling. The lot, zoned for general commercial use, also borders the Crawford Street Historic District.

Nogales, an international city with a border between the United States and Mexico, has a large percentage of pedestrians who walk from one country to the other through a border checkpoint. Nogales Properties hoped to meet the storage needs of these travelers.

Source:  Nogales International,  ‘No’ on Mini-Storage Near Border

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