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Trustee Sale Set for June 22 for Sonoma Storage Emporium in California

Article-Trustee Sale Set for June 22 for Sonoma Storage Emporium in California

A self-storage facility in Sonoma County, Calif., that specializes in wine storage will be up for sale in June to satisfy an $11.1 million loan to Sonoma Valley Bank.

SSE LLC owns Sonoma Storage Emporium, a four-acre 721-unit self-storage complex with 36,000 square feet of refrigerated wine storage. The facility has been on the market for sale at $17 million, then reduced to $15.5 million. The trustee’s sale is set for June 22 at 11 a.m. at the Petaluma Community Center.

In the past four years, SSE developed four self-storage facilities in the North Bay region, including locations in Larkspur, Santa Rosa, San Rafael and Novato.

Devon Self Storage, a self-storage facility investment and management company, was hired in April to operate the facility in Santa Rosa, according to news reports. The 248-unit Novato facility is also listed for sale at $5.8 million.
Source:  North Bay Business Journal,  Commercial Real Estate

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The Role of the Self-Storage Manager: Simplest Job in the World or Challenging Multi-Faceted Position?

Article-The Role of the Self-Storage Manager: Simplest Job in the World or Challenging Multi-Faceted Position?

I’m always amazed when people outside our industry make assumptions about how easy a self-storage facility manager’s job is. The misconceptions are sometimes hilarious, but often degrading to the people working in the business. Industry outsiders generally have no clue as to how many tasks managers undertake in their daily routines.

In trying to think of another occupation with responsibilities that match those of a self-storage manager, I can’t find one comparable. In most cases, managers are expected to be: 

  • High-powered in-house and outside salespeople
  • Customer-service representatives
  • Marketing representatives
  • Call-center salespeople
  • Telemarketers
  • Community spokespeople for the business
  • Collection agents
  • Subcontractors in electrical work, plumbing, HVAC, metal doors and buildings, asphalt and concrete, signage, landscaping, gate operators, etc.
  • Legal gurus in many different areas such as sale and disposal, onsite criminal activity, deceased tenants, tenant bankruptcy, etc.
  • Arbitrators for customers
  • Consultants for our lender, insurance agency, etc.
  • High-tech computer specialists, software experts, programmers, etc.
  • A sounding board for an owner or management company who isn’t making enough money (in his opinion)

I could go on and on, but you get the picture. The average facility manager is generally competent at most of the above tasks, but is it right for an owner to expect you to be the best in every category? Of course not. Even facility owners often overlook your broad expertise. For example, when they plan to build self-storage, how many consider what the facility should be like from a manager’s viewpoint? If they spoke to several of you in advance, I wonder how different our facilities would look today.

Using Outside Sources to Get the Job Done

Some self-storage owners and management companies recognize the burden they place on their managers, and many have spent money, time and lots of effort in finding the perfect employee for each store. It’s particularly rewarding when they land a manager who can accomplish all of their goals, has a great attitude, and still works for a, not great, but living wage.

Over the past several years, the industry has evolved by hiring more professional managers who understand the many duties necessary to run a successful facility. Some facility owners have even looked to outside resources to complete some of the manager’s tasks. Hiring an outside call center, for example, frees up a manager’s time to focus on in-house sales, community outreach, property maintenance or other pressing issues.

Some owners have hired full-time staff for maintenance issues including tasks such as landscaping and painting, or have taken a more of an active role in the planning for capital and replacement items. Some companies employ dedicated employees to work outside the facility in sales and public relations, which helps bring the facility to the public in a more professional manner.

The use of kiosks at many facilities has allowed managers to take payments and rent units even when offsite or performing other duties. More facilities will likely install kiosks, but they will primarily act as your aid, not your replacement.

Many companies now have full-time staff focused solely on collections or auctions, too. This, again, has allowed the manager freedom to perform more tasks aligned with helping customers. It also puts you in a more positive role for the facility.

However, there are still many self-storage facilities that continue to operate with a single manager who performs all the duties described above with competence and professionalism. So the next time a non-industry participant talks about what an “easy job” you must have, pull out your to-do list and hand it to him. Once he understands all of your responsibilities, he’ll be in awe, and gain a higher level of respect for what you do every day.

Mel Holsinger is president of Professional Self Storage Management LLC, which manages more than 40 facilities in Arizona, Colorado and Texas. Holsinger has been in the self-storage industry for more than 25 years. He is a frequent speaker at Inside Self-Storage World Expos and other industry events, a contributing writer to Inside Self-Storage magazine, and a founder of the Qualified Storage Manager program. To reach him, call 520.319.2164; e-mail [email protected].

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Facility-Renovation Spotlight: AAAA Self Storage of Norfolk, Va., and its 100-Year-Old Building

Article-Facility-Renovation Spotlight: AAAA Self Storage of Norfolk, Va., and its 100-Year-Old Building

More than 100 years ago, a tobacco warehouse was built at the corner of 22nd Street and Granby Street in Norfolk, Va. Now the building is home to a thriving self-storage facility, AAAA Self Storage. The story of this transition embodies an emerging trend in saturated self-storage markets. Well-located facilities in dire need of renovation can undergo restoration to become valuable opportunities for new businesses. Leaders in the self-storage community believe the future will see more of this type of project.

The transformation of the 22nd Street building began in 1985 when the dilapidated structure was converted into Norfolk’s first multi-story self-storage facility. The original structure was retained and updated to current building codes. This involved adding stairs, elevators, air-conditioning and sprinklers.

In time, new phases were developed as the need for self-storage grew. In 2006, self-storage architects GMF + Associates were hired by the owner to give the existing building a facelift so it could better compete with a new rival across the street.

In a competitive environment where rental rates may be dropping, a renovated building may staunch the dip in rates or even allow for an increase. For existing tenants, a renovation might prompt a unit upgrade to meet previously unknown needs, such as climate control.

Left photo: AAAA Self Storage before the renovation.

Cost Benefits

Today’s challenging economy has self-storage owners contemplating capital improvements to existing facilities for a myriad reasons. Financing is much easier for an owner because the lending risks are much less for a proven business with a track record of income. Also, the cost to remodel an existing property can often be significantly less than a new project.

Material and labor costs are at an all-time low and general contractors are more willing to take on smaller (lower-margin) projects to keep their businesses afloat. Finally, construction is more likely to be completed on time and at a better quality since contractors are working on fewer projects and are able to demand better service from their subcontractors.
A New Look

The first step in the renovation of AAAA Self-Storage was relocating the customer entrance to a high-visibility and well-traveled street corner. The business office is not only prominent and inviting to passersby, but it was outfitted with state-of-the-art electronic management equipment and retail-merchandizing displays. Storefront glazing was added at the new office area, providing visibility and accessibility for pedestrian entry.

On the façade, the original limestone panels with ornamental medallions under the new storefront windows were restored to help disguise the elevated existing floor level. New signage along with ornamental canopies raised the appearance of the building from the corner. In addition, new cut-out letter signage and metal awnings were added to complement the historical appearance while meeting setback requirements.

A covered vehicle entrance adjacent to the sidewalk door was configured with a ramp for handicapped entry directly for the sidewalk. This proved to be a very tight fit and involved field adjustments as well as negotiations between the code officials and architect during construction.

The AAAA facility has recovered its initial appeal to new customers in spite of the surrounding competition. The final result of the renovation for this project is a case study in technical ingenuity and aesthetic sensitivity that can be an example for other facilities hit hard by the recession.
Chris Nason of GMF + Associates is a licensed architect with a wide range of commercial and residential architectural expertise from years at some of the country’s most renowned architectural firms. Chris Elam is the firm’s commercial projects director, with extensive experience in a variety of commercial project types and sizes. He specializes in office remodeling and self-storage. For more information, visit

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Self-Storage Talk Forum Users Break Record for Third Straight Month

Article-Self-Storage Talk Forum Users Break Record for Third Straight Month

For the third month running, users of Self-Storage Talk (, the self-storage industry’s largest online community, set a new participation record for the number of users online at one time. The new record of 760 was set earlier today after the forum’s monthly newsletter was delivered to recipients. That number trumped the previous record of 675, set on May 14.

“The record is significant because it shows the increasing appeal of the forum across the industry audience,” said John Carlisle, community manager. “Our goal now has to be to get more of the guest users to register account names and become members so they can fully participate in the community.”
Unregistered guests can read and scroll through much of the content, but they cannot post, ask questions or respond to any of the discussions until they have registered a username. Registration is free, however, and doesn't take long to complete. New members can join at
Self-Storage Talk is the official online forum of Inside Self-Storage, the producer of self-storage publications, conferences and tradeshows, and the Self-Storage Training Institute, an online education portal for industry managers and owners.
The forum currently contains nearly 23,000 posts, 2,850 discussion threads and 3,040 registered users.

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Building Self-Storage Friendships Online

Article-Building Self-Storage Friendships Online

A couple of weeks ago, I saw a preview for a different kind of documentary. It’s about a young woman and her quest to meet all of her online friends to discover if the connection they have on the Web would translate into the real world. It's an interesting concept. Are online friends simply people you chat with occasionally? Or can you develop real and true friendships with people you only interact with via a keyboard and computer screen?

Over the past couple of years, Self-Storage Talk has emerged as a close-knit community where forum members not only help each other with business challenges—and celebrate successes—but SST has also become a place where self-storage managers, who often work alone day in and day out, can have pseudo co-workers. Sure, the person you’re “talking with” isn’t in the office with you, but she or he is just a few mouse clicks and typed words away. That person can be your cheerleader, sounding board, someone to vent to, or even offer a word of caution.

Here’s a great example of the power of friendship on SST. A few days ago, Shaekirk, an active forum member, hopped online in the early morning hours to report her home, garage and truck had caught fire. Shae is a self-storage manager in the San Francisco Bay area. While she lives on site, the fire didn’t spread to the facility. The cause is still under investigation.

Immediately, several forum members chimed in, asking about her and her family’s welfare. In her time of need, Shae was touched by their concern and well wishes. She posted, “It's unreal how attached I've become to my support system on SST, especially now. You all mean the world to me, my friends!”

So can online friendships be true ones? Absolutely! For many of us, relationships—both personall and business ones—often begin through e-mail, forums, texts or other non-face-to-face interactions. With all the texting, tweeting and other online “chatting” we do every day, there’s no doubt we’ll continue to develop different kinds of relationships with new people across the globe.

It’s kind of like high school. You hang with one friend in algebra, another in English, and yet another at lunch. You may never have all three of these friends in the same room at the same time, but they’re your support team, and the ones with whom you share your triumphs and failures. Find your own support team at Self-Storage Talk

Stor-It-Now Opens in Valparaiso, Ind.

Article-Stor-It-Now Opens in Valparaiso, Ind.

Two commercial developers in Valparaiso, Ind., recently opened Stor-It-Now!, a self-storage facility with 660 units and 75,000 square feet.

James Lyons and Jeffrey Katz also own Plaza Place and Northview shopping centers, also in Valparaiso. They are also developing a Walgreens at Burlington Beach Road and Calumet Avenue, and a 54-unit condominium complex Glendale Boulevard and Silhavy Road. Their experience with the residential market—and their own need for storage—led them to the self-storage industry.

The facility features drive-up and climate-controlled units, with a temperature ranging from 55 degrees to 80 degrees. Storage units range from 25 square feet to 405 square feet. The business also sells packaging boxes and other material. Next spring, box delivery, pick-up and storage will be added for Valparaiso University students.

Source:  Post-Tribune,  Self-Storage Business Finds Market

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NDS Construction Builds Noahs Ark Self Storage & RV Storage in San Antonio

Article-NDS Construction Builds Noahs Ark Self Storage & RV Storage in San Antonio

NDS Construction, a general contracting company for commercial and residential real estate, was awarded the construction contract for the first phase of the new Noah’s Ark Self Storage & RV Storage in southeast San Antonio. The new property will be designed to integrate residential and commercial users.  Traditional and temperature-controlled units will be available in sizes from 5-by-5 to 10-by-30. 

For RV and boat enthusiasts, Noah’s Ark will incorporate open, canopied and fully enclosed RV/boat storage, with spaces from ranging from 12-by-30 to 12-by-45. Other RV and boat amenities include a waste station, individual 20 mp electrical services and full interior lighting for both canopied and enclosed RV/boat units. The self-storage and RV and boat storage areas will be secured with a digital video-surveillance monitoring system.

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Janus International Adds Three to Self-Storage Staff

Article-Janus International Adds Three to Self-Storage Staff

Janus International, a supplier of rolling-doors and components for the self-storage, commercial and industrial markets, has added three employees to its self-storage staff.
Jason Figart joined the company’s technical-sales department and will manage both U.S. and European projects. Figart spent the last four years as the international sales, estimating and accounts manager for U.S. Door & Building components. Prior to that, he was an account manager for a refractory company in the steel industry. Jason will operate out of Janus’ Temple, Ga., and Peterlee, England, offices.
Richard Seaberry joined Janus as the western-region sales manager for self-storage.  He has more than 20 years of experience in the coiling door industry. He most recently worked with U.S. Door as a self-storage sales manager. Seaberry will manage accounts in Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Nevada and Utah, and be based in the Anaheim, Calif., office.
Carl Wiman joined Janus as a senior draftsman. He initiated the drafting and design department at U.S. Door, and previously held positions at Roll-Lite Overhead Doors, Atlas Rolling Steel Doors and Clopay Building Products. Wiman will be operate out of Orlando, Fla.

(From left to right) Jason Figart, Richard Seaberry, Carl Wiman
Headquartered in Temple, Ga., Janus manufactures sheet doors, self-storage doors and building components, rolling steel doors, and grilles. 

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AMERCO Reports Financial Results for 4Q and Full Year Fiscal 2010

Article-AMERCO Reports Financial Results for 4Q and Full Year Fiscal 2010

AMERCO, parent company of U-Haul International Inc., reported its fourth-quarter and annual fiscal 2010 financial results. Net earnings available to common shareholders for the year ending March 31, 2010, were $53.2 million, or $2.74 per share, compared with $447,000, or $0.02 per share, for the same period last year. For the quarter, the company reported a net loss to common shareholders of $8.2 million, or $0.43 per share, compared with a net loss of $38.5 million, or $1.99 per share, for the same period a year earlier.
Highlights for the full year and fourth quarter include:

Self-storage revenue for the moving and storage segment increased $0.3 million for the fourth quarter compared with the fourth quarter of fiscal 2009 and finished the full year down $0.2 million compared with fiscal 2009. 

The company began to generate occupancy gains over the last half of fiscal 2010 compared with the same period last year. It also added more than 580,000 of net rentable square feet to its self-storage portfolio.

Rental revenue for self-moving equipment increased $16.1 million in the fourth quarter compared with the same period in 2009, but finished the full year down $3.3 million compared to the year before. The quarterly improvement was primarily attributed to increased transactions in the company’s one-way and in-town markets.

Operating expenses for the moving and storage segment decreased $13 million for the fourth quarter of fiscal 2010 compared with the same period in 2009 and finished the full year down $35.8 million.

For the quarter, net gains on the disposal of property, plant and equipment were $0.5 million compared with losses of $1.6 million in fiscal 2009. For the full year, these gains were $2 million compared with net losses of $16.6 million in fiscal 2009. Excluding these disposal gains and losses, total depreciation decreased $8.5 million for the fourth quarter of 2010 and $19 million for the full year.

AMERCO held its investor call for the fiscal year on June 10. A replay of the call can be accessed at

U-Haul is North America's largest "do-it-yourself" moving and storage operator. AMERCO includes AMERCO Real Estate Co., Republic Western Insurance Co. and Oxford Life Insurance Co.

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Domico 7

Article-Domico 7

Domico, a provider of management and accounting software to the self-storage industry, released a major upgrade to its flagship management software. The upgrade, which has been in development over the last year, includes more than 100 enhancements and technical fixes. The upgrade is free to all Domico software warranty customers. New features and enhancements include:

  • Auction module. Provides functions for scheduling and managing auctions. From the new customer-information screen users can enter a description of stored goods, the auctioning of the stored goods, or e-mail a public notice to the local newspaper.
  • E-mailing receipts. The upgrade features a new option to e-mail customer receipts at the time of posting payments or when reprinting the last receipt. 
  • Move-ins reports. When scheduling a monthly report batch, users can get marketing information for the previous month.
  • Move out. Prompts for users to input information before processing a move-out to prevent move-out of incorrect unit on multi-unit account.

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