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Mojo Boosters: Five Simple Ways to Increase Your Energy

Article-Mojo Boosters: Five Simple Ways to Increase Your Energy

Is your mojo running in slow-mo? Are you dragging through each day, seemingly unable to move out of neutral? Are you fighting a bad case of the grumpies? If so, chances are you need a mojo boost.

Like most of us, you’re being adversely affected by the negativity you absorb in the midst of the world’s widespread challenges—on Wall Street and Main Street―and it’s depleting your energy levels. Going to work when you’re constantly hearing about layoffs or reading about the latest company shutting its doors is difficult. Trying to remain creative, upbeat and productive can be twice as hard.

Before we begin to boost our mojo, we need to understand what it is. Mojo is reflected differently in each person, yet its essence is the same for all of us: It’s the internal energy, inspiration and power that propels us joyfully forward in life, allowing us to fulfill our goals and act upon that which we desire. In short, mojo is our fuel for a happy and productive life. Our tanks get low when we allow our mojo to become stagnant, depleted or sucked away by others.

However, we can fill our tanks whenever we wish. All it takes is some intention, conscious awareness and choice.
Find Your Mojo

How can you boost your mojo? You acquire more when you choose activities that are healthy, balanced and blissful. At work, especially, this means finding the silver lining, even when times are tough. But don’t despair! Below are five simple yet effective mojo boosters to help you out of the recession rut.

Be good to yourself. One of the most important steps you can take to boost your mojo is to adopt a rigorous plan for self-care. This includes choosing the highest quality fuel to run on. Choose healthy foods to eat and snack on, avoid eating on-the-go, and avoid too many empty (albeit comforting) sugary foods and simple carbohydrates.

Get outside at least once a day to breathe in one of nature’s biggest mojo boosters: oxygen! All it takes is a simple walk around the parking lot or office to get your energy boost. Also, don’t be shy when it comes to getting those 40 winks over the weekend, soaking in a tub, or getting a massage. Take care of your body so it will take care of you.

Be playful. When was the last time you saw a child without energy? It rarely happens! Most children have one agenda item on their list: have fun. They revel in the act of creating, exploring and playing. Their days fly by, and they never want to take a nap or go to bed for fear they will miss something wonderful. We can learn something from these smaller teachers by incorporating a little more play into our lives.

At work, think about the ways you can bring more play into your day. Display your favorite bobble head or figurine. Use your lunch break to play a board game with co-workers while you eat. Sign up for a joke-of-the-day e-mail. Outside the office, pick shells on the beach, play with your family outside, or play in the sprinklers in the back yard. Let your inner kid play again!

Be mindful. Our mojo gets sapped when our minds endlessly jump from task to task, or more precisely, obsess over problem after problem. Our computers need to be turned off every once in a while to function optimally, and our minds are no different. Take time to mentally “defrag” through the act of meditation.

If you are new to meditation, simply carve out a few minutes every day to comfortably sit in silence. Do nothing. Simply be. Take the end of your lunch break and use it to meditate. You’ll be surprised how much more energized you feel after letting your brain rest for a bit.

Once you have incorporated periods of silence into your life, you can begin to add other mindful activities such as creative visualization or clearing office space through de-cluttering. Or consider other simple Feng Shui techniques like turning your desk toward the door, placing plants in corners, and moving electrical equipment as far away from you as possible.

Be present. A major obstacle to maximizing one’s mojo is the all-too-common practice of regretting the past or fretting over the future. We spend so much of our energy wallowing in previous so-called failures or fearing the absolute worst of what may happen instead of living joyfully in the moment. We don’t know what the future holds, and it’s simply a waste of valuable time and mojo to try to control it.

The best way to remain firmly planted in the present is to increase your awareness of yourself and your surroundings. Place your hand on your heart. What do you feel? Look around. What do you see? Our lives are rich beyond measure when we take the time to be fully present. It is, after all, the only thing we have.

Be grateful. Expressing gratitude is like receiving a shot of adrenaline. When we are grateful for what we already have—a home, family, love, health, food and shelter—we instantly get a boost of mojo that can help us through the tough times. The key is to make the expression of gratitude a daily habit.

Think about starting and ending each day with a “gratitude rant.” Before you get out of bed and drive to work, or before you shut off the light to get back into bed, mentally rattle off all of the fabulous things in your life. Take note of the gifts contained within the challenges of the day. If you operate from a perspective of gratitude, you will never have that familiar feeling of running on empty.

Even though it sometimes seems like our energy is dependent on our job status, messages from the media, or the balance in our bank accounts, we can break that pattern by making these simple mojo-boosting choices over and over, day after day, minute by minute. Choose to have a life of abundance, balance and creativity, and go about embodying those ideas, beliefs and actions that support it.
Theresa Rose is an inspirational speaker and author of Opening the Kimono. As founder of Serious Mojo Publications, she specializes in fresh approaches to energy-management, productivity and creative development. Her experience includes owning a healing center, senior manager of a Fortune 100 firm, and vice president of a consulting firm. For more information, visit

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Self-Storage Talk: I Stay Positive By ... Has Record Month for Self-Storage Reservations Has Record Month for Self-Storage Reservations, which provides an online facility directory as well as a pay-per-reservation call center for the self-storage industry, has just experienced the best month in its history for confirmed self-storage reservations. The company attributes the increase―30 percent over a year ago―to the recent doubling of its sales team.
The USstoragesearch reservations center operates on a pay-per-reservation basis, so operators pay only for confirmed rentals. The company boasts a credit-card secured move-in rate of more than 95 percent.
The company expects to make even greater progress with the recent addition of a new reservation-center sales manager experienced in sales-agent coating and skill development. Angie Flaherty previously worked for PayPal, a provider of online payment services affiliated with eBay and thousands of other online retailers. Flaherty has more than seven years of experience in high-volume call-center operations.
Established in 2004, the directory contains more than 12,000 member facilities and 2.8 million storage units nationwide. It allows self-storage customers to search real-time available units by facility location, unit size, property features and specials. They can then compare and reserve units by credit card.

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Access Self Storage Installs Solar Energy at Six New Jersey Locations

Article-Access Self Storage Installs Solar Energy at Six New Jersey Locations

Access Self Storage has selected the Viron Consulting Group to design and install grid-tied solar electric systems at six of its New Jersey facilities: Bernardsville, Clark, Franklin Lakes, Kenilworth, Oakland and Woodbridge. Access Self Storage Inc. owns or manages 19 facilities in New Jersey and New York.

“By installing solar panels we’re making a financial commitment that’s good for the environment and makes fiscal sense,” said James Greco, president. “These systems will help with the fight against global warming and reduce our dependency on foreign oil.”

The systems feature 4,544 American-made Photovoltaic (PV) panels capable of generating more than 1,000,000 kWh of electricity annually, which will significantly offset the company’s electrical demand. The panels are manufactured by SolarWorld.
The financial incentives currently available from the state and federal governments will help the project pay for itself in approximately two to three years.

“When you combine New Jersey’s Renewable Energy Rebate Program and Solar Renewable Energy Certificate (SREC) system with the 30 percent grant available from the U.S. Treasury, now is the best time to install solar electric in New Jersey,” said Thomas Voss, principal of Viron Consulting Group. “People don’t realize New Jersey is second only to California when it comes to the capacity of grid-tied solar electric installations in the United States.”

Installation of the systems is scheduled to begin this summer and expected to be completed by the end of the year.

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The Lock Up Self-Storage Embraces Green Practices

Article-The Lock Up Self-Storage Embraces Green Practices

The Lock Up Self Storage, a Chicago-based operator of self-storage facilities, is embarking on a company-wide conversion to more energy-efficient appliances and procedures. The Lock Up operates 30 climate-controlled self-storage facilities nationwide.

“We take the obligation of doing our part in terms of caring for the environment very seriously,” said Andrea Carnes, vice president of operations. “Equally as important, we have a responsibility to our customers to keep expenses in check so that we can continue to provide them with the most competitive pricing. We feel that our conversion to more eco-friendly, energy-saving practices will help us address both of these issues effectively.”

The changes include adding separate recycle bins, conserving water by reducing or eliminating sprinkler use, converting to compact florescent and LED bulbs, and exchanging existing HVAC systems for Energy Star-rated equipment. Also, the company will donate abandoned items in self-storage units to local charities.

“As a result of these modifications, our newer self-storage facilities are consuming one-third to one-half the amount of utilities used by our older facilities,” Carnes said.

Source:  Earth Times,  The Lock Up Self Storage Saves Green By Going Green

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ezStorage Opens Second LEED-Compliant Self-Storage Facility

Article-ezStorage Opens Second LEED-Compliant Self-Storage Facility

Self-storage operator ezStorage Corp. will celebrate the grand opening of its new LEED-compliant facility in Elkridge, Md. A ribbon-cutting ceremony will take place June 24 at 2 p.m. Refreshments will be served, and Howard County Executive Ken Ulman and others will be in attendance.
The Elkridge site is ezStorage’s second to be LEED certified. According to the U. S. Green Building Council, LEED (Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design) is an internationally recognized green-building certification system, providing third-party verification that a building or community was designed and built using strategies aimed at improving performance across all the metrics that matter most: energy savings, water efficiency, CO2 emissions reduction, improved indoor environmental quality, and stewardship of resources and sensitivity to their impacts.
"In 2008, ezStorage made the decision to design all newly-constructed facilities to meet the strict standards of the U.S. Green Building Council's LEED program," said ezStorage CEO Ken Hankin. "Our Charles Village facility, which opened in 2009, was our first LEED-certified building, and we're happy to say it is operating with amazing efficiency."
In addition to being LEED-compliant, the Elkridge facility is part of Howard County's Route 1 Corridor Revitalization, a project to help guide land development in that area.

Based in Columbia, Md., ezStorage operates more than 41,000 self-storage units throughout Maryland, Virginia and Washington, D.C.

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Maine Voters Repeal Tax-Reform Bill, Self-Storage Saved From Sales Tax

Article-Maine Voters Repeal Tax-Reform Bill, Self-Storage Saved From Sales Tax

Last week Maine residents voted to repeal tax-reform legislation that would have added sales tax to self-storage as well as 101 other services.
A tax-reform package that would have lowered the state’s income-tax rates in exchange for adding a sales tax to dozens of previously exempt items and raising the meals and lodging tax was rescinded on June 8 with a 61 percent majority. Supporters of the law, passed last year, said it would shift the bulk of the tax burden to tourists. Opponents countered by saying residents would have to pay tax on many everyday purchases such as movie tickets, hair cuts and car repairs. Some also said it would eventually mean higher income taxes for most residents, except for the very rich.
Signed by Gov. John Baldacci in June 2009, the law added a 5 percent sales tax to self-storage and several of the state’s services and increased the meals and lodgings tax from 7 percent to 8.5 percent. It reduced the income-tax rate from 8.5 percent to 6.5 percent for those earning less than $250,000 per year, and from 6.85 percent versus 6.5 percent for those earning more.
The Portland Press Herald, Maine Voices: Repeal of tax bill will keep Mainers from paying higher taxes

Bloomberg Businessweek, Vote doesn’t mirror Mainers’ desire for tax reform

Foster’s Daily Democrat, Feelings mixed over Maine’s repeal of tax reform

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Advantage Self Storage Sued Over Damage to Historical Documents

Article-Advantage Self Storage Sued Over Damage to Historical Documents

Last week the North Texas History Center (NTHC) filed a lawsuit against Advantage Self Storage in McKinney, Texas, for flood damage to historic documents and artifacts it had stored at the facility.
NTHC Senior Curator Bryan Lean rented two units at the storage facility in March 2009. In December, the organization received a call from Advantage indicating there was a leak in the units. According to the organization’s petition, an inspection of the unit contents revealed the damage of thousands of historic documents. A civil suit against the storage facility was filed in the 380th District Court of Collin County.

The lawsuit wages several charges against Advantage, claiming the facility broke the rental contract by not keeping the NTHC units safe from water intrusion. It accuses the company of “deceptive trade practices” and claims Advantage acted fraudulently and negligently in the transaction.
The suit does not specifically identify any of the damaged items or disclose their monetary worth. It seeks damages with interest as well as court and attorney’s fees. NTHC has requested that the case be heard by a jury.
Source: Star Community Newspapers, NTHC files civil suit over destroyed documents, artifacts 
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Talkin' Technology on SST

Article-Talkin' Technology on SST

Operating a self-storage facility requires using various kinds of technology and software, all of which are constantly changing. Some examples include management software, kiosks, surveillance equipment, gate-access controls and a bevy of other gadgets.

Unfortunately, the only certainty about technology is its uncertainty. Regardless of how reliable the product is, all technology will have problems and require maintenance and upgrades from time to time. When that happens, there's no better place to look for advice and solutions to these challenges than the Technology, Software and Security forum on Self-Storage Talk.

The people who have the most experience using the same technology you use are your peers. When you run into a problem and need a quick response, you can post your concern in the technology area and someone will usually respond quickly.

Additionally, some of your peers might have more experience than you in using a specific kind of product, and they can provide a solution so that you don't have to wait to contact a vendor. The system works the other way, as well. If you've mastered the ins and outs of a certain program or piece of equipment, your knowledge is incredibly valuable to your industry mates, who will definitely be asking for help that you can provide with a single post.

Other common topics discuss technology and security strategies and philosophies. These threads include "Cameras: How Many Do You Have?", "Are Kiosks the Wave of the Future?" and "Memory on Your Computer".

To tackle problems with specific products, many company representatives are actually SST members. Their primary role on the forum is not to hit you over the head with how "wonderful" their products are (site rules don't allow it), but instead they jump into discussions to provide assistance and answer questions.

In short, the technology forum is just one more way Self-Storage Talk can make your day-to-day operations a little easier and help you navigate through the labyrinth of technological issues. If you haven't joined Self-Storage Talk yet, you can register for free here. We hope to see you on the forum!

Analysts Expect Solid Self-Storage Performance From U.Ks Safestore

Article-Analysts Expect Solid Self-Storage Performance From U.Ks Safestore

Although shares for Safestore Holdings have lost a third of their value since the beginning of 2010, analysts expect good things from U.K. company's half-year results, to be released this week.

Analysts anticipate a solid performance from the self-storage provider, with occupancy levels ahead of last year and higher rents. One of the reasons could be the company’s commercial customer base, which account for 30 percent of Safestore’s business.

The company recently underwent refinancing, and made a deal to manage self-storage facilities on behalf of Spacemaker, a third-party operator.

Source:  Times Online,  Inside the City: Safestore Secures Headroom

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U-Haul Awarded Galaxy Star of Energy Efficiency Award

Article-U-Haul Awarded Galaxy Star of Energy Efficiency Award

U-Haul International was named a winner in the 2010 Galaxy Stars of Energy Efficiency by the Alliance to Save Energy. The award is presented to an individual in the public or private sector in recognition of an outstanding public service contribution or a lifetime commitment to energy efficiency.

U-Haul, a moving and storage operator, won in the over $150 million revenue category for its leadership and climate stewardship. Over the past several years, U-Haul has taken steps to offer more green products and services. Its Energy Management Team has funded 215 energy-efficiency projects, resulting in an estimated average monthly energy savings of 5,723 kWh per site in U-Haul Centers across North America.

U-Haul’s Take a Box, Leave a Box Program encourages customers to pick up free used boxes while leaving no-longer needed used boxes for other customers. U-Haul has encouraged the reuse of more than 2.5 million boxes since the program’s inception in 2007.

Similarly, the company’s Sustainable Modular Storage Program reuses detached van bodies from retired U-Haul trucks to build sustainably engineered self-storage units. Every thousand square feet of reused storage-unit space eliminates 17.3 tons of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. To date, the U-Haul Sustainable Modular Storage Program has resulted in the avoidance of more than 10,554 tons of GHG emissions.

The award will be presented Sept. 14 at an awards dinner in Washington, D.C.

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