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Calculating Retail Profit: Add-On Merchandise Helps Boost Self-Storage Revenue

Article-Calculating Retail Profit: Add-On Merchandise Helps Boost Self-Storage Revenue

If you own or operate a self-storage facility, you’re always looking for ways to create additional revenue. The sale of retail merchandise to your existing tenants and walk-in customers provides you with daily profit opportunities. This revenue stream not only provides additional earnings, it improves your facility’s value by increasing your net operating income (NOI).

How much revenue can you make from selling retail product such as boxes, locks, moving supplies and more? The following “profit calculator” will generate data that will help you set goals and enhance your bottom line.

Retail-Profit Calculator

To begin, you must identify a few key aspects of your everyday business. First, what is your average number of move-ins every month? Next, what is the average amount of your retail sale to each customer at move-in? Once you have those numbers, you can easily calculate your baseline retail potential.

For example, let’s assume you move in an average of 25 customers per month. The following chart shoes your average monthly and annual income for each level of sale.

Average Move-In Retail SaleMonthly IncomeAnnual Income





If you’re an independent single-facility operator using a 50 percent margin strategy on retail items, you can determine how much additional profit you can add to your bottom line by increasing your average retail sale at every move-in. For example, if you average $10.50 in retail sales on each of 25 monthly move-ins, you can increase your income $1,500 annually by raising your average retail sale to $20.50.

Average Monthly Move-Ins25
Increase in Average Retail Sale$10
Monthly Retail-Sales Increase$250
Annual Retail-Sales Increase$3,000
50 Percent Margin$1,500






This is an increase in NOI that will ultimately enhance the facility’s value should the property be sold. The $1,500 annual increase may not seem very significant to a multi-facility owner, but if you calculate this increase as part of a 30-store chain of self-storage properties, the annual boost in bottom-line profit from retail sales is $45,000. 

Delivering Goods

Don’t overlook your opportunity to capture and increase profit from retail sales. You have a captive audience that needs certain items to properly complete its storage activity. Your products will help customers keep their belongings safe (locks), in good condition (boxes and appropriate packing material), and organized. Offering the right products provides convenience to customers and keeps them from going elsewhere to purchase those items. It might even influence their decision to store with you.

Maintaining a retail program and promoting it with effective street signage and marketing campaigns will make existing customers aware of your offerings. It may also attract customers who don’t need space but want packing materials to store belongings at home, execute a move, or complete a household-cleanup project. Finally, an effective retail program can give you an advantage over your competition.

Retail sales are part of good customer service. Your attention to every customer during move-in will increase your profit; just use the calculation outlined above and see how easy it is to add more to your bottom line. Plus, your tenants will have a positive experience and will remember to tell their friends about your facility.

Bill Meyers is the national account manager for Supply Side USA, which offers retail products for self-storage businesses, including locks, packing tape, protective products and boxes. For more information, call 800.305.6110; visit

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New Korpacz Survey Highlights the Movement of Self-Storage Cap Rates

Article-New Korpacz Survey Highlights the Movement of Self-Storage Cap Rates

PricewaterhouseCoopers has released the Korpacz Real Estate Investor Survey for the first half of 2010, containing an article titled, "Domestic Self-Storage Market: A Return to 7.25% Overall Cap Rates?" Written by R. Christian Sonne, managing director of Cushman & Wakefield’s Self Storage Industry Group, the article discusses the return of equity to the self-storage asset class and the downward movement of industry cap rates.

The Investor Survey is conducted primarily through phone interviews with self-storage investors, owners, developers, managers, brokers and bankers throughout the United States. Respondents represent more than 100 million square feet of self-storage property. The data collected highlights key information relating to general market conditions for self-storage including capitalization rates, financing, an optimism index and other current information for the asset class.

To access a PDF of the article, visit

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Westy Self Storage Hosts Free Seminar for Home Buyers/Sellers

Article-Westy Self Storage Hosts Free Seminar for Home Buyers/Sellers

This evening Westy Self Storage of Fairfield, Conn., will be host a free seminar titled, “Accelerated Strategy for Home Sales,” presented by the Higgins Group Real Estate. The event will take place in the facility’s grand lobby from 6:30-8 p.m. All local home sellers and buyers are invited to attend and will get information on pricing strategies, the effect of current property appraisals, trends in mortgage financing, and short sales. They’ll also hear a rental-market update. Complimentary refreshments will be served.
Founded in 1990, Westy has a corporate headquarters in Stamford, Conn., with seven facilities in New York, six in Connecticut and three in New Jersey.

Source: Minuteman News Center, Business Briefs

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United Storage Norwalk Hosts Flea Market for Charity

Article-United Storage Norwalk Hosts Flea Market for Charity

United Storage Norwalk in Norwalk, Conn., is hosting a charity flea market Saturday from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Sunday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. All proceeds will benefit the Norwalk Emergency Shelter and the Norwalk Housing Foundation College Scholarship Fund.

The self-storage operation is soliciting donation items from its self-storage tenants and the community. Vendors are also encouraged to participate. There will also be a collection jar available for cash donations.

“As part of our unique organizational core values, our staff is encouraged to make a positive impact on our communities by identifying local people and organizations that need assistance,” said Chris Martinez, manager of United Storage Norwalk. “The Norwalk Emergency Shelter and the Norwalk Housing Foundation College Scholarship Fund are such strong assets to our community and we wanted to be a part of their fundraising efforts so they can continue to offer the resources we need as a growing community.”

Donations for the flea market can be dropped off at the facility during office hours. United Storage Norwalk is offering a special discount on storage space to flea market patrons on the event day.

Source:,  Charity Flea Market Will Benefit Norwalk Emergency Shelter & Norwalk Housing Foundation College Scholarship Fund

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Hide-Away Storage Operations Director Promoted to Navy Commander

Article-Hide-Away Storage Operations Director Promoted to Navy Commander

Paul Feikema, operations director for the Hide-Away Storage self-storage facilities in Southwest Florida, has been promoted to commander in the U.S. Navy reserve. Cmdr. Feikema has spent a combined 17 years in the Navy on active and reserve status, including nearly a year in Iraq in 2004.

Feikema was promoted at U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) Headquarters at MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Fla., June 1 by Capt. Lewis Harrison, CENTCOM deputy engineer. Feikema served on active duty in 2009 at CENTCOM, managing engineering issues in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and other locations in the Middle East. His active duty assignments before his reserve duty included the island of Guam, Philadelphia and Puerto Rico.

His duties at Hide-Away Storage encompass overall operational control of the company’s 10 Florida self-storage facilities in St. Petersburg, Ellenton, Bradenton, Sarasota, Ft. Myers and Naples. He also will have control over the new Xpress Storage facility on Fruitville Road in Sarasota, which is separately owned from the Hide-Away facilities but managed by the same management firm.

“We are delighted with Paul’s success both with Hide-Away Storage and also with the Navy,” said Steve Wilson, managing partner of Hide-Away Storage. “Handling what are, essentially, two simultaneous careers is not easy, but Paul seems to be able to accomplish this demanding task.”

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Mesquite Self Storage Holds Garage Sale to Benefit New Veterans Center

Article-Mesquite Self Storage Holds Garage Sale to Benefit New Veterans Center

Mesquite Self Storage of Mesquite, Nev., is hosting a garage sale put on by Vietnam Veterans of Mesquite. All proceeds of the sale, which will be held on June 19, 8 a.m. to noon, will be used to help fund the construction of the new Mesquite Veterans Center. The sale will include items such as kitchenware, TVs, electronics, furniture and housewares.
Vietnam Veterans of Mesquite, formed in the summer of 2007, is a chapter of the national Vietnam Veterans of America. The group advocates on veterans’ issues locally and nationally, offering claims assistance and representation in the claims process. It seeks full access to quality healthcare for veterans, works to create a positive public perception of veterans, holds government agencies accountable for following laws that mandate veterans’ healthcare, and assists in identifying the range of disabling injuries and illnesses incurred during military service.
The Mesquite chapter holds monthly meetings on the first Saturday of each month at the Falcon Ridge Hotel in Mesquite. It recently held a veterans honor breakfast attended by Mayor Susan Holecheck.
Though the Mesquite Veterans Center is not yet built, its supporters have already helped vets obtain about $1,500,000 in compensation for their military service, according to Vietnam veteran Al Litman. An accredited veteran-service officer is available to provide assistance at various locations throughout the week: Mondays at the Mesquite Senior Center (10 a.m. -12:30 p.m.), Tuesday through Thursday by appointment, and Wednesday and Friday at the Veterans Service Office at 830 Hafen Lane.
Sources: The Mesquite Local News, Vets hold garage sale; Mesquite Local News, Local veterans gather to honor their brotherhood;

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ISS Blog

Is Your Facility Embracing the Green Movement?

Article-Is Your Facility Embracing the Green Movement?

A few months ago, I started receiving a magazine called Green Builder, which focuses on sustainability in the building industry. It’s a beautiful magazine, well written and researched, and inspiring. While solar innovations and applications are often highlighted in the magazine, articles also cover water conservation, new green-building practices, and even the hidden costs of going paperless.

Over the past couple of years, ISS has brought you dozens of articles and news items about self-storage developers, builders and owners who are taking the initiative in creating and operating more sustainable facilities.

Just this week, Access Self Storage announced it will install solar panels on six of its facilities in New Jersey. Self-storage operator ezStorage will celebrate the grand opening of its new LEED-compliant facility in Elkridge, Md, June 24. And The Lock Up Self-Storage is embarking on a company-wide conversion to more energy-efficient appliances and procedures.

Is your facility embracing the green movement? If so, what advice would you give other managers, owners, developers and builders? Share your thoughts by posting a comment below or join the discussions on green and recycling at Self-Storage Talk.  

U.K.'s Safestore Earns Profit in First Half of 2010

Article-U.K.'s Safestore Earns Profit in First Half of 2010

Safestore Holdings, a U.K. self-storage firm, released financial information Wednesday, showing the company has earned a profit and is enjoying increased business.

The company said it earned a profit of £6.7 million for the six months to April, compared with a loss of £11.7 million a year earlier. The number of commercial and residential customers increased by 6.5 percent. In addition tenants are staying longer.

Safestore, which has 128 stores in the United Kingdom and Paris, said demand is being driven by increased activity in the housing market and people needing space for a new home office or to rent out a room.

"An interesting development has been the trend toward people selling their homes before purchasing another and, in the interim, moving into smaller rented accommodation,” said
CEO Steve Williams. “This has resulted in a higher level of reservations being made further in advance indicating that self-storage is becoming part of the planning process in relation to house moves, not merely reactive to an event."

The company, which recently secured new and increased bank facilities to August 2013, said it would continue to selectively acquire new sites. Its property portfolio was valued at £655.4 million at the end of April, up 1.2 percent since October.

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Chester Heights Self-Storage in PA Closer to Opening

Article-Chester Heights Self-Storage in PA Closer to Opening

The Chester Heights Borough Council in Chester Heights, Pa., authorized the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy (TCO) for Chester Heights Self-Storage.

Originally scheduled to open a year ago, the self-storage development has experienced several delays caused by adverse weather conditions and construction issues. The council approved the 60-day TCO despite inspectors identifying several construction items that have yet to be completed. One of the borough’s building inspectors noted there was a lack of detail in the building plan, and the planned phasing of storm water management facilities for the site was unclear.

Several neighbors living behind the storage development also expressed concern about a privacy buffer. Trees will be planted and an ornamental wrought iron fence will be installed along the rear border to enhance the buffer.

The TCO was granted on condition that all comments and concerns of borough inspectors be addressed before a permanent certificate of occupancy is granted.

The 5-acre facility will open with at least one building by the end of June. A second is also under construction, and the development has expansion plans for two more.
Source:  Delaware County News Network,Chester Heights Grants TCO to Open New Biz

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SpareFoot Self-Storage Finder Fulfills $2M Equity Offering

Article-SpareFoot Self-Storage Finder Fulfills $2M Equity Offering

SpareFoot Inc., provider of an online self-storage finder, has fulfilled its $2 million equity offering, according to an SEC filing. In September, the companys only other SEC filing on record indicated the company raised about $330,000 from four equity investors.

The Austin-based company has eight investors. Principals named in the filing include co-founders Charles Gordon, CEO, and Mario Feghali, chief operating officer. Also named are directors Kip McClanahan of Silverton Partners, an early-stage venture-capital firm focused on Austin-based companies, and John Price, CEO of San Francisco-based, an online search platform for autos, travel and real estate.

Founded in 2008, SpareFoot compares itself with, making it possible for self-storage customers to find and compare the best U.S. deal on self-storage via the Web.

Source: Citybizlist, Silverton-Partners-Backed SpareFoot Finds $2M - cbl

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