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Selling Your Self-Storage Facility: Prepare in Advance for Maximum Success

Article-Selling Your Self-Storage Facility: Prepare in Advance for Maximum Success

During the past two years, there has been a significant curtail in transaction activity in all types of real estate sales, including self-storage. More recently, however, we find there’s a substantial improvement in the capital markets, particularly for the largest self-storage companies. This will continue to drive demand on behalf of industry companies that wish to grow through acquisition of existing facilities.

By historical standards, interest rates are low, which allows buyers to pay relatively aggressive prices for self-storage properties. Many economists presently fear the increased money supply and government deficits brought on by economic-stimulus programs will surely lead to increased interest rates, higher taxes or, most likely, a combination of both. As mortgage and tax rates increase, values on all real estate may face additional downward pressure. For these reasons, the possibility of selling their facilities has once again surfaced in the minds of many storage owners. 

Are You Ready to Sell?

There are a number of practical and rational reasons an owner may wish to sell including:

  • Estate and tax planning
  • Business decisions relating to the ability of your property to stay competitive in the marketplace
  • The desire to take advantage of a favorable real estate market or current tax rates, or an interest in diversifying
  • Taking advantage of other financial opportunities that may present themselves

These financial decisions are objective and can be analyzed using common business sense and simple calculations.

A knowledgeable self-storage real estate broker can assist you in preparing your facility for sale by determining the best practices for maintaining good records and files, sprucing up the property cosmetically, and improving rent rolls. The more difficult decisions are often of a personal nature since selling presents certain emotional criteria that are harder to analyze.

Invariably, there are strong emotions attached to moving on. Perhaps one of the most overlooked elements of selling a property is your own personal reasons. Preparing a facility for sale involves making the decision to sell. We’ve all heard of seller’s remorse. Sellers who can portray to a prospective buyer a genuine intention to sell will receive the greatest amount of attention, which will increase your chances of carrying out a successful sale at an optimized price.

While the market has improved, gone are the days of “If I get the right offer, I may consider selling.” Before putting your self-storage property on the market, take some time to make a firm assessment of the reasons you wish to sell. Look not only at the objective rational elements of the decision but the personal ones as well. 

Preparing Your Manager for the Sale

In addition to preparing yourself for a sale, preparing your manager is also of critical importance. Should you inform your manager that you’re considering a sale? Yes, and for several reasons. First, it’s the right thing to do in fairness to a loyal employee. Second, the manager will likely learn of the impending sale, particularly if it’s aggressively marketed.

The manager’s cooperation can also be a great asset in the sale process. A good manager who knows the store and customers is a value-added feature and makes the property more attractive to a buyer. More often than not, a sale isn’t a threat to the manager.

While some new owners may hire a third-party management company or plan to hire a new manager, most will accept the current staff. Self-storage is a local business, so particularly for national or regional buyers, keeping existing employees makes sense. And only in rare occurrences do the new owners choose to operate the property themselves.

More often than not, the manager will become the buyer’s new employee. During the due diligence prior to closing, both the manager and prospective owner will get to know each other. The owner could also consider paying the manager a bonus upon closing the sale. This not only acts as an incentive to the manager but rewards him for his hard work.

Planning Considerations

Advanced planning is essential to the sale of your self-storage facility. If you’d like to show prospective buyers better operating revenue by raising rents, do so several months before putting your facility on the market.  This will give a buyer more confidence in the numbers than if you raise rents only when you decide to sell.

Improved operating income can also be achieved through better collections and lien-sale efforts. Some owners may be reluctant to remove delinquent tenants, fearing this action will temporarily decrease physical occupancy. Keep in mind that buyers are purchasing income and not pure occupancy. The goal is to not only collect more income through collection but to replace non-paying tenants with paying ones. Again, this process can take time to accomplish, and a successful collection campaign is far better than the promise that the buyer can collect delinquencies once he takes over the business.

Another important planning element may relate to your real estate taxes. Since this can be one of the largest expense factors in your profit-and-loss statement, it’s a major contributing factor to your net operating income, which, in turn, will determine your final sales price.

In today’s challenging times, taxing jurisdictions continue to be busy identifying sources of revenue. During the past several years, during which we’ve had some impressive sale prices for self-storage facilities, taxing authorities have taken notice and responded with some substantial increases to industry tax assessments. Buyers have recently been burnt by surprises in real estate taxes after they have purchased a facility for a price higher than the underlying market value used by the taxing jurisdiction to derive assessed valuations for taxing purposes.

Telling a buyer he can appeal the taxes isn’t nearly as persuasive as taking the initiative and appealing your taxes successfully prior to a sale. In most cases, the tax-appeal process needs to be undertaken at prescribed times during the year and in accordance with a formalized schedule of applications and administrative or judicial proceedings, so planning in advance can pay off handsomely.

Operating your business with the right focus—even if you’re not immediately planning on selling—makes a great deal of sense. Such focus will result in better operating results each year until the time that you want or need to sell. The best time to prepare is before the sale.
Jeffrey Supnick is the president of Supnick Real Estate Co., a full-service firm devoted to self-storage brokerage, consulting and property-management services. A 25- year veteran of the self-storage industry, he formerly served as a real estate officer for Public Storage Inc. and Storage USA. During his career, he’s been responsible for the development of more than 40 self-storage sites. For more information, call 856.722.1414; e-mail [email protected]; visit

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National Snapshot 2010: The Self-Storage Real Estate Market

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ISS Blog

Candid About Green: Concern for the Planet or Marketing Genius?

Article-Candid About Green: Concern for the Planet or Marketing Genius?

Over the past several years, I've watched as issues of world ecology have permeated the culture of the self-storage industry. "Going green" is now a popular touch phrase in this business, with more and more developers and operators embracing environmentally sustainable technologies and practices, whether it be the installation of solar panels, building with recycled materials, or using environment-safe cleaning products in the management office.

And it's about time—for all businesses and individuals to acknowledge their responsibility toward global environmental health. But let's be honest about this, too: Part of the incentive for companies to jump on the green bandwagon is to garner the positive public relations it generates and harness its marketing power. There's nothing wrong with this. When it comes to corporations, charity and other social work is often about PR. The thing to remember, however, is that if you're going to "go green," don't just do it in theory, do it in practice. It has to be more than a mission statement.

There are several self-storage companies serving as models in the arena of sustainability. Among the ones that most immediately come to mind are iStoreGreen and U-Haul, but there are many others who are taking green action, such as Thornwood Self Storage in New York, and Pecos Storage in Arizona's Gila River Indian Community. The list is steadily growing.

If you are a self-storage operator who is serious about getting green, we've got some resources you may find helpful. First, we're offering several sustainability-related seminars at the Inside Self-Storage World Expo coming up in Las Vegas, March 1-3.

On March 2, experts from iParkSolar and Baja Construction will present a two-part series on using solar power in self-storage. The first, "Solar Technology 101: Incentives, Rebates and Feed-In Tariffs," will provide an introduction introduction to solar-electric (photovoltaic) systems and how they can be adapted to your self-storage operation. The next, "Using Solar in Self-Storage: An Economic Model for Optimizing Your Site and Maximizing Your Investment," gets more in-depth on the subject, providing a clear understanding about the economics of adapting renewable energy, including real-world data on existing solar self-storage facilities. (For info, read about our "Construction, Development and Green Initiatives" track.)

Later in the morning, Buster Owens of Rabco Corp. will share insight to LEED Professional Accreditation thought the Green Building Certification institute, perfect for those builders who are interested in building sustainable projects. Barry Keyes of Coastal Recycling Centers will teach you what you need to run an on-site recycling center and create a drop-off program for electronic waste such as old computers. He'll teach you how to find and partner with certified recyclers and create attention-getting fundraising events. You managers and owners out there won't want to miss it.

In the meantime, if you want to share and get info about what other self-storage operators are doing for the planet, you can jump into these discussion threads on Self-Storage Talk:

Why not investigate what it takes to "go green" with your business? If not for the planet, do it for your public image. Just make sure you're really doing the things you claim—using recycled paper and environment-safe products, for example. Start with simple things you can manage and work up to the more significant contributions. Perhaps you aren't in a position to immediately install solar panels and sell energy back to the grid. But you can sell biodegradable packing peanuts, recycle boxes and use soy ink. If you approach green as more than a marketing scheme, you'll reap far richer rewards than great PR.

Bonus Seminars Added to Inside Self-Storage World Expo in Las Vegas

Article-Bonus Seminars Added to Inside Self-Storage World Expo in Las Vegas

Four bonus seminars have been added to the education program of the Inside Self-Storage World Expo in Las Vegas, the self-storage industry’s largest conference and tradeshow. Attendees registered for the show’s standard or premium education package will now have access to 40 seminars rather than 36, at no additional charge. The new seminars are: 

  • “Building a Self-Storage Website and E-Mail Database,” presented by Stacie Maxwell of Universal Management Co. and Christopher Baird of Automatit Inc. 
  • “Assembling a Loan Package That Attracts Dollars and Approvals,” presented by Georgia Ragsdale of Best American Financial Services LLC 
  • “Using the Internet to Streamline Your Self-Storage Operation,” presented by Sean Cargo of QuikStor 
  • “The Lowdown on Going Up: Building Multi-Story Self-Storage,” presented by Caesar Wright of Mako Steel Inc. 

The ISS Expo will take place March 1-3, 2010, at the Paris Hotel & Resort. Created for self-storage owners, managers, developers, investors and suppliers, the event comprises three days of educational seminars, product and service exhibits, and networking opportunities that on strategies for generating revenue and perfecting business branding in a demanding economic environment.  

For details and to register, visit

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Development of Self-Storage Facility in LeRay, N.Y., Moves Forward

Article-Development of Self-Storage Facility in LeRay, N.Y., Moves Forward

Plans for a new self-storage facility along Route 11 in LeRay, N.Y., received the green light Thursday to continue after objections were raised in October by a competing self-storage developer. 

The LeRay Planning Board reached a compromise in October regarding a setback dispute with one storage-facility developer, but told the developer of another facility that he will not be allowed to display his rental trucks along Route 11.

The board scheduled a public hearing for Feb. 4 for the site plan review for White Pines II, a self-storage, truck-rental and auto-service facility proposed by Gaetano Javarone. The hearing was originally set for December, but was canceled after Walter H. Van Tassel, the developer of the competing site, asked the Zoning Board of Appeals to overturn an earlier Planning Board decision on a lot line adjustment that had allowed Javarone's project to move ahead.

The Zoning Board of Appeals declined to consider the appeal, saying state Supreme Court action was needed to overturn any Planning Board decision.

The board had previously offered Walter VanTassel a compromise on setbacks for his proposed three-story self-storage and truck-rental facility. Originally, 25-foot setbacks were required, and the issue created a long-running legal dispute between VanTassel and the town. In negotiation, the setbacks were changed to 20 feet on the eastern property line and 12.5 feet on the southern property line.

Source:  Watertown Daily Times,  LeRay Advances Storage Facility Plan

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Thornwood Self Storage Center Donates to Sustainability-Education Program

Article-Thornwood Self Storage Center Donates to Sustainability-Education Program

Thornwood Self Storage Center in New York, Westchester County's first eco-friendly storage facility, has partnered with the Children's Environmental Literacy Foundation (CELF), a non-profit educational organization that provides programs and services to support schools in their efforts to integrate sustainability education into K-12 curriculum and culture.
In an effort to raise awareness for good environmental practices, Thornwood will donate a portion of each month's rentals to CELF's Ecological Footprinting Program, which provides elementary and middle-school students with the opportunity to conduct an environmental audit on their schools, thereby learning about issues of sustainability and human impact on the planet. To show sustainable practices put into practice in the community, Thornwood will host on-site seminars in collaboration with CELF.
During the storage facility's conversion from a health club, 95 percent of its structure was reused, and construction debris was recycled and reclaimed in an effort to reduce the impact on landfills. Converting the building to a storage facility has reduced traffic congestion and auto emissions by more than 80 percent. The facility is also powered by 405 rooftop solar panels that are projected to provide over 50 percent of its ongoing energy needs.
Thornwood Self Storage Center features an on-site power backup, and an aerodynamically-designed, dual alternative fuel truck, and energy-efficient heating and cooling systems. It offers recyclable and biodegradable packing materials and uses only environmentally friendly cleaning products. Local vegetation has been planted around the facility to eliminate the need for an underground irrigation system.

CELF provides consulting services, training programs and educational programs to make sustainability education an integral part of the K-12 learning experience.

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Infinite Self Storage Opens New Facility in Joliet, Ill.

Article-Infinite Self Storage Opens New Facility in Joliet, Ill.

Infinite Self-Storage opened a new facility in Joliet, Ill., with more than 680 units. The facility features climate control, drive-up access, moving and packing supplies, and 24-hour access via self-storage kiosk. The facility began leasing space in November and is currently running a special; new tenants can rent space at 50 percent off for six months with a price-lock guarantee.

The property is managed by Ken Fisher. Scott McLaughlin is the regional manager.
Infinite Self-Storage has locations 21 locations throughout Illinois, Indiana and Ohio.

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U-Haul Network Expands With Storage Facility in Victorville, CA

Article-U-Haul Network Expands With Storage Facility in Victorville, CA

AMERCO Real Estate Co. has expanded its U-Haul network of self-storage facilities with the purchase of a truck-, RV- and boat-storage facility on Palmdale Road in Victorville, Calif. The facility has seven single-storage buildings comprising 86,386 square feet in 587 self-storage units. It also includes 148 RV storage spaces, 37 of which are covered, and an RV waste-disposal station.
The Palmdale Road facility will sell a variety of environmentally friendly packing supplies and feature a Take A Box/Leave a Box display, which allows customers or community members to share and reuse empty boxes. It will also include a Reuse Center where customers can donate unwanted, gently used household goods, furniture, sporting equipment and clothing for other customers to take for free.

There are more than 1,091 U-Haul self-storage facilities across the United States and Canada.

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Investment Real Estate Appoints Braun as Controller

Article-Investment Real Estate Appoints Braun as Controller

The Investment Real Estate LLC group of companies appointed Joseph T. Braun to the position of controller. As a member of the group’s Executive Committee, Braun will be responsible for directing and coordinating its overall financial planning, budgeting and forecasting, as well as executing its strategic goals and action plans. He will also oversee the group’s accounting and finance staff as well as human resources and information technology.
Braun most recently served as controller and vice president of finance for Tell Manufacturing Inc., a nationwide distributor and manufacturer of commercial doors and door hardware. Prior to that, he served in various leadership roles with Key Automotive Group, Telmar Network Technology and Turbon International. He began his career with BDO Seidman, an international public-accounting firm. 
Investment Real Estate provides self-storage brokerage, construction, consulting and management services in the mid-Atlantic and northeast states.

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RS-SQL Version 4.0

Article-RS-SQL Version 4.0

O’Neil Software Inc. has released Version 4.0 of its RS-SQL records-management software. New features that have been added include: 

  • A 40-character description field for describing container contents has been added for easy viewing.
  • The length of the route field has been increased to create more precise base routes.
  • The software now includes the ability for users to export the work-order grid, allowing them to import the information to route-planning packages or use it for other analysis.
  • Access to the Route Manifest Report has been moved to the work-order grid, where it is needed most and simplifies its use.
  • Users can view additional info under ‘Contained-In Container’ status, including the item status and the day and time a folder went into the container.
  • The software now includes a new Reporting Services report to show the account and base transactions that affect each customer. 

O’Neil serves more than 850 records centers worldwide, ranging from startups to multi-nationals. Its software manages and tracks multiple types of data, including storage boxes, file folders, documents and tapes.

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Protective Guardrail System

Article-Protective Guardrail System

Detroit-based Ideal Shield, a manufacturer of bumper-post sleeves, guardrails and handrails, introduced the Protective Guardrail System for high-traffic areas.

The guardrail only needs to be six inches from the wall or machinery, and comes in heavy or standard duty. It's made of schedule 80 and schedule 40 steel pipe sleeved in quarter-inch OSHA Yellow high-density polyethylene thermoplastic, and can be repositioned as floor plans change. 

All guardrail sections are delivered fully assembled for core-in or base-plate installation. Standard or custom lengths and heights are available. 

The Ideal Shield Heavy Guardrail can withstand multiple hits from a 12,000-pound forklift traveling 8 miles per hour, while the standard version withstands the force of the same forklift traveling 4 miles per hour.   

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