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storeEDGE Launches Cloud-Based Access-Control Product for Self-Storage

Article-storeEDGE Launches Cloud-Based Access-Control Product for Self-Storage

storEDGE, a provider of software and other technology for the self-storage industry, will launch a cloud-based access-control product this summer that will integrate with the company’s management software and provide users with instant data sync, remote-entry access, real-time monitoring, screen-pop notifications and reporting capabilities. Users will be able to adjust settings, open and close doors and gates, and view access records from anywhere with an Internet connection, according to a press release.

The product will feature a variety of hardware options, including indoor/outdoor keypads, elevator controls, multi-door controllers, and key-fob scanners. Tenant-access histories will be logged automatically in the software, so users can capture access data for use in advanced revenue-management models, the release stated.

“Access control was the last missing piece to our full-integration strategy,” said Adam England, chief technology officer. “Our customers deserve a modern, simple solution to access control, rather than relying on a fragile chain of cables, virus-prone Windows computers, and software programs to open a gate. By swapping all of this out for a cloud controller, we’ve eliminated a major point of failure and provided a more streamlined experience for tenants, managers and owners. Beyond ease-of-use, storEDGE clients will now have access to a huge range of data to make more advanced business decisions related to pricing and occupancy based on their consumers’ behavior.”

The company will demo the product during the Inside Self-Storage World Expo, April 3-6, at the Paris Hotel & Resort in Las Vegas.

storEDGE is a provider of software and other technology for the self-storage industry. Its products include management software, website-creation services, online rental-center tools, business intelligence and other integrated services. In 2016, the company launched a research and development group to advance its technology to include mobile apps, hardware and telephony solutions.