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Self-Storage Software Provider SMD Adds Text-Message Capability to SiteLink

Article-Self-Storage Software Provider SMD Adds Text-Message Capability to SiteLink

<p>SMD Software Inc. has added integrated text-messaging to its SiteLink property-management software for self-storage and portable-storage operations. The new feature will enable facility operators to send notices and alerts via text message, helping them communicate with tenants and potential customers more effectively, officials said.</p>

SMD Software Inc. has added integrated text-messaging to its SiteLink property-management software for self-storage and portable-storage operations. The new feature will enable facility operators to send notices and alerts via text message, helping them communicate with tenants and potential customers more effectively, officials said.

The text-messaging feature is made possible through SMS Resources, which integrates with SiteLink Web Edition and SNA Collections Manager, a tool from Storage Network Advantage that is built into SiteLink to boost collections, reduce bad debt and lower the time it takes to process delinquent accounts. The SMS functionality includes long- and short-code services, bulk messaging, built-in analysis, customizable messages, and support.

Consumers are searching for, reserving and actually renting storage utilizing their mobile devices more than ever. Unfortunately, typical e-mails often arent able to be read in time, said Markus Hecker, SMDs chief operating officer. SiteLinks text-messaging capabilities improve delivery speeds and read rates.

Research on mobile-device behavior indicates most consumers respond to text messages within 90 seconds compared to taking an average of 90 minutes to reply to e-mails, SMD officials said in a press release.

The results of integrated text messaging are instant and easy to measure, said Gene Klemens, owner SMS Resources. On average, texting reduces the time to collect from delinquent tenants and lowers the number of past-due accounts noticeably. Storage owners enhance not just collections, but also customer relations by sending alerts marking anniversaries, maintenance and other events. Texting also allows them to reclaim a significant number of staff man-hours that might be spent in other collection efforts, thus getting more return and productivity on-site.

Established in 1996, SMD Software has more than 7,000 product installations worldwide.
