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Self-Storage Expert Presents Free Webinar on Fee Management

Article-Self-Storage Expert Presents Free Webinar on Fee Management

On March 18, self-storage industry expert Anne Ballard, president of Universal Management Co., will present a free webinar titled, "Fee Management Specialists: Are We Right for Each Other?"

On March 18, self-storage industry expert Anne Ballard, president of Universal Management Co., will present a free webinar titled, "Fee Management Specialists: Are We Right for Each Other?" The live, online event, hosted by MiniCo Publishing, will take place at 1 p.m. EDT. Participants will learn about Universal’s telephone, auction, customer-satisfaction and marketing programs. Other topics will include features that make the company unique, ways for a self-storage operation to save money, and how to maximize income while improving the asset.

A long-time top operator in the self-storage industry, Ballard founded Universal more than 15 years ago. In addition to acting as a global self-storage consultant, she has served for more than a decade on the boards of state and national self-storage associations. She has also written many articles for industry publications such as Inside Self-Storage, and is a regular speaker at industry tradeshows.

Universal provides fee-management services to self-storage business owners.

To register for the webinar, visit

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