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Professional and National Self Storage Management Companies of Tucson Join Forces

Article-Professional and National Self Storage Management Companies of Tucson Join Forces

<p>Tucson, Ariz.-based companies Professional Self Storage Management LLC (PSSM) and National Self Storage Management Inc. (NSS) have formed an alliance to share resources and make the most of economies of scale.</p>

Tucson, Ariz.-based companies Professional Self Storage Management LLC (PSSM) and National Self Storage Management Inc. (NSS) have formed an alliance to share resources and make the most of economies of scale. Nationals 11 stores as well as its operations manager, Heather Morrow, will now join the PSSM family.

Together, the two companies own or manage 45 self-storage facilities in Arizona, California, Nevada, New Mexico, Texas and Utah. The best of both companies will be utilized to boost efficiency at a lower cost, said PSSM President Mel Holsinger. NSS and PSSM operate in complementary markets, which will allow us to also share overhead expenses.

NSS will maintain its same supervisory and client-relations structure, with PSSM providing accounting, human resources and employee services, according to NSS President Robert Schoff.

PSSM manages self-storage facilities for individuals, corporations and partnerships. In addition to manager hiring, training and supervision, the company provides complete marketing programs, operations policies and procedures, unit pricing, budgeting, cash-flow analysis, accounting services, payroll administration, insurance administration, site audits and preventive maintenance programs. It also offers market-feasibility studies, acquisition due-diligence studies, brokerage services, tax-reduction services, construction supervision, design consulting and assistance in acquiring financing.

NSS operates the National Self Storage Alliance, a not-for-profit marketing cooperative that allows independent self-storage operators to unite under the NSS brand and take advantage of preferred pricing and cost savings on a wide range of services and products such as management services, consulting services, call-center services, software, branded retail items and more. The alliance was founded in 2010.