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Mobile Self-Storage Survey Report Released by MiniCo and MS-SA

Article-Mobile Self-Storage Survey Report Released by MiniCo and MS-SA

MiniCo Publishing, in a joint initiative with the Mobile Self-Storage Association (MS-SA), has released the "2008 Mobile Self-Storage Survey Report," the only report of its kind focused the mobile-storage industry.

MiniCo Publishing, in a joint initiative with the Mobile Self-Storage Association (MS-SA), has released the "2008 Mobile Self-Storage Survey Report," the only report of its kind focused the mobile-storage industry. The report includes statistics, charts and analysis addressing the scope of the market, and covers topics such as accounting, transportation, marketing and operations. The report is available for $75 for MS-SA members and $185 for non-members. It can be purchased at
MiniCo Publishing is a division of Phoenix-based MiniCo Inc., which provides specialty insurance programs, publications, and other products and services for the self-storage industry.
Information regarding the MS-SA, including membership details, can be found at