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ISS and Greenberger Host Monthly Legal Webinars

Article-ISS and Greenberger Host Monthly Legal Webinars

<strong> <em>Inside Self-Storage (ISS) </em> </strong>and industry legal expert Jeffrey Greenberger have partnered to provide a monthly webinar series covering legal topics.

Phoenix-based Inside Self-Storage (ISS), which produces a monthly magazine, bi-annual tradeshows and education programs for the self-storage industry, and Jeffrey Greenberger, partner in Katz, Greenberger & Norton LLP of Cincinnatti and owner of, have partnered to provide a monthly webinar series covering legal topics. The online seminars are free for all attendees and will take place on the second Tuesday of every month from 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. ET. A special welcome is extended to members of state self-storage associations.
The first event in the series will take place on April 11th, addressing Mediation/Arbitration Clauses in Self-Storage. It will examine how to best use these clauses to benefit a storage operation; the value of using one or both clause types; and the advantages and disadvantages of each. Participants will also hear real-life stories in which these clauses saved the day and receive sample clauses for their own lease. There will also be time for Q&A with Greenberger at the end of the session.
Upcoming dates and topics include:

May 9The Importance of Holding a 'Commercially Reasonable' Public Sale
June 13The Benefits and Cautions Involved in Tenant Screening
July 11Defining 'Climate Control' at Your Self-Storage Site
August 8Modifying Your Lease and Getting Tenants to Comply
September 12Dealing With Tenant Bankruptcy

For more information on Legal Learning With Jeffrey Greenberger: A Monthly Webinar Series, visit