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The Storage Group Launches Mobile Websites for Synergy Storage Group Facilities

Article-The Storage Group Launches Mobile Websites for Synergy Storage Group Facilities

<p>The Storage Group, a division Resource Technology Management Inc. (RTM), now offers customers smartphone-friendly websites with the launch of two websites for Synergy Storage Group.</p>

The Storage Group, a division Resource Technology Management Inc. (RTM), now offers customers smartphone-friendly websites with the launch of and for Synergy Storage Group.

We are now able to offer our storage owners and their customers something most operators dont have, said Jim Gail, president of Synergy Storage Group, a nationwide self-storage management and real estate consulting company. Its not a matter of whether every storage facility will want a mobile website, its just a matter of time when each will realize they must have one as mobile website traffic continues to increase globally.

A mobile website provides prospective and existing self-storage customers effortless navigation to all pertinent information as they search the Internet from smartphones such as iPhone, Blackberry, Android, Windows Mobile phones and others.

Earlier this year, the hospitality division of RTM, known as eMax, began rolling-out mobile websites for many of its 300 hotel websites.

Once this platform was available, most of our clients jumped at the opportunity to expand their Internet marketing platform, said Terry Mueller, managing director of The Storage Group and CEO of RTM. They seemed to recognize the need to establish their place in the mobile-search rankings as many technology analysts project smartphone annual sales to surpass simple mobile phones by the end of 2011 and personal computers by end of 2012.

The Storage Group is a full-service Internet marketing company providing self-storage companies with tools and solutions including mobile websites, website design, search-engine optimization, customized-account management and more.