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Twitter Talk: How the Social Media Giant Can Help Your Self-Storage Business

Article-Twitter Talk: How the Social Media Giant Can Help Your Self-Storage Business

Of all the social media sites, Twitter may seem like the easiest one for self-storage operators to master. However, there's more to it than offering up tweets about your current special. Here's some guidance on making the most of your Twitter marketing.

By Amy Campbell 

Of all the social media sites, it seems like Twitter is the easiest for self-storage operators to master. You don’t need to “claim” your business, “like” anyone or post a high-quality video. Plus, you can tell your story in just 140 characters. Seems simple, right? Of course, it’s not. Using Twitter to promote your business to new and existing customers takes time, understanding and effort—just like with any social media marketing.

However, it can definitely be worth the effort. Twitter reports 83 percent of business users say they would recommend the website to other small- to medium-sized businesses, according to a 2013 Nielsen survey. The trick to be successful on Twitter is using the social site correctly.

Twitter suggests business use the website to listen and learn from its customers, drive brand awareness, provide customer service and connect with influencers. Here are some excellent examples of self-storage operators who are excelling at meeting one or more of these objectives:

  • Space Center Storage recently sent a tweet to its customers to let them know crews were plowing through the snow at their stores in the East to ensure tenants could reach their units.
  • Bee Hive Self Storage posted a lovely photo of flowers making their appearance at the operator’s facility in North Dorsett, England.
  • Green Valley Storage promoted a community event to its followers in which young girls can receive a free prom dress.
  • Uncle Bob’s Storage regularly offers its followers advice on everything from ways to repurpose a ladder and other common household items to storage and organization tips.

Note I didn’t mention a storage business tweeting about a special on its 10-by-10 units. The goal when using Twitter is not to advertise your business, but engage with your followers. Just like with any other social website, Twitter users want to be entertained and informed.

If you’re not already on Twitter, but you’d like to be, check out this article for guidance on choosing a Twitter name, creating a profile and how to write an excellent tweet. Of course, just like any social media website, be careful about what you put out there. Don’t overshare, use Twitter as an advertising tool, or rely on hashtags to tell your story. For more on Twitter etiquette, read this Mashable article.

How do you use Twitter to communicate with existing and future storage customers? Share your tips below or in the Marketing Forum on Self-Storage Talk, the industry’s biggest online community.

TAGS: Marketing