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Are You Wild and Crazy About Your Self-Storage Marketing?

Article-Are You Wild and Crazy About Your Self-Storage Marketing?

<p>While it's unlikely you're sitting on a big pile of cash&nbsp;to fund your self-storage marketing, it doesn't mean your campaigns and delivery have to be ho-hum.&nbsp;In fact, a smaller budget can sometimes be a blessing in disguise. Really, it's an opportunity to be wild and crazy!&nbsp;</p>

By Amy Campbell 

The other day while putting gas in my car, I happened to look over at the advertisement above the fuel dispenser. Rather than promoting a credit card offer or food available inside the gas station, there was an ad for one of the industry’s real estate investment trusts (REIT). It’s a clever spot for a self-storage ad, mainly because there’s a captive audience. What else are we going to do while we pump gas? It’s not the first time I’ve spotted a creative marketing message for a self-storage company, but it’s definitely one of the more creative places.

It made me wonder what other wild and crazy marketing ideas might self-storage operators try. I asked members of Self-Storage Talk, the industry’s largest online community of storage professionals, if money wasn’t an issue, what marketing idea would they try. I encouraged them to think big! Read what they have to say and add your own ideas.

Unfortunately, few operators are sitting on a pile of cash they can use for big and bold marketing campaigns. But that doesn’t mean your messages and how you deliver them are destined to be ho-hum. In fact, a smaller budget can sometimes be a blessing in disguise. Seriously! Because it gives you the opportunity to be wild and crazy!

I came across this interesting article on that lists 10 “in your face” marketing stunts. All cost little to nothing, but are fun and totally off the wall. My favorite on this list is designating a fictional holiday. Who else remembers Festivus from “Seinfeld”? You can even tie the special day to a charity and collect food, clothes, pet supplies or cash donations.

Another article offers 100 guerilla marketing ideas. While some many not work for storage operators, there are many that can easily be implemented. For example, you can hire a local artist to do something “mind-boggling” outside your facility. Maybe it’s a sculpture near the front door, a mural or a window treatment. New artists are usually looking for places to display their art, so they may even offer their services on the cheap.

A few other gems: host a game for your tenants and offer a prize such as a gift card or some moving supplies, create a projection on a blank wall that promotes your online bill-pay services, or “pay it forward.” This one involves paying for something for the person in line behind you, like a cup of java at the local coffee house. Leave your business card with the cashier to pass on to your surprised recipient. It can be a great customer-service move.

You can find more marketing inspiration on the ISS “Marketing” topics pages. The ISS Store also has several marketing products for purchase.

Do you have a wild and crazy marketing idea? Share your concept or experiences by posting a comment below or in this Self-Storage Talk thread.



TAGS: Marketing