The right rental office software can go a long way toward increasing site profitability. Dont use price as the determining factor when evaluating new software. Before you buy, run the demo, call the vendor for a tour and explanation of benefits, and ask lots of questions.
Correct software is one of the most important decisions you will make. It is the base upon which your entire operation will run. And, like most things in life, you get out of it what you put in. Here are some tips to help you effectively use your software:
1. Set the appropriate controls.
Even the best of managers should have limited or no access to program setup items and other important features that can change the way the system operates. If you are the owner/ operator, you should establish a separate administrator access code for yourself so you dont make changes unintentionally. You dont want to alter something in your rental system that would make your practices inconsistent with your rental agreement. Having to log in and out to make changes will help you make purposeful decisions.
A retail establishment usually allows only certain people to perform tasks like voids and overrides. In storage, it is much the same. If you dont track deleted payments or changes to the gross scheduled income or unit mix, things can get out of control and you may have a hard time reining them back in.
2. Know the program better than your staff.
Dont wait for staff to find the loopholes. Be sure you understand the reports, can compare them to one another, and know where the software is getting the information. Dont make assumptions for the program. If you do not understand something, or think it should work differently, call your software vendor and get an answer that is satisfactory to you. By reporting a discovered flaw or programming error, you help software vendors improve their products.
Most vendors are extremely helpful and will make changes or upgrades to their program when something isnt working correctly. Or they may have a logical explanation that will enlighten you and help you run your operation better. The best feedback a software company gets is from the end user. Maintaining a good relationship with your vendor is a smart business investment.
3. Check your form!
Be sure the letters, fee structure and program parameters match your rental agreement. Sometimes operators use the demonstration forms and letters that came in the program; its your responsibility to make sure these are correct for your business.
Read the forms carefully and customize each to your site and state law. Some programs let you insert custom forms and turn off use of the demo versions. You dont want to find yourself in court due to inaccurate forms, so review them promptly!
4. Use all the reports.
Every report is there to help you better operate your facility. Print each and understand what it does and how it can benefit you. Share this information with your site manager, and explain how to read the reports and what each one means to you. Help staff run your business to your expectations.
5. Dont skimp on the support package.
Most software systems come with an initial support pack included in the program startup. Yet, owners frequently dont take advantage of this free support. When purchasing a support package after the free period is over, start by understanding what it includes: How many hours do you get in the package? Do they have a CPA on staff? What are the hours of operation (watch the time zone differences)? How many tech-support people are employed, and what is the average turnaround time for the resolution of an issue?
Instruct your site team to use the technical support for all their software questions. Sites with a support package usually get priority service when they need help over those that do not. Your package may include upgrades and addons as the vendor improves the software.
The site manager may want to keep a software-tracking log to identify issues. This can help owners track the effectiveness of the system and identify areas that need additional training or should be included in the training of the software for new personnel.
Spending time and money on evaluating, purchasing, implementing and learning the correct software for your business can be one of the best investments youll make.
Linnea Appleby is the president of PDQ Management Solutions Inc. Based in Sarasota, Fla., the company provides full-service storage facility management, consulting, new facility start-up services, auditing, management training and more. For more information, call 941.377.3151, or visit