The factors that make self-storage a unique real estate asset also make conventional predictive tools less than ideal when determining if an existing facility will make a good investment. Cloud-based Storage World Analyzer Software is designed to provide industry buyers and investors with the following based on several assumption variables, including acquisition price and other investment costs, income, expenses, occupancy, capitalization rate, and debt service.
- Forecasting for internal rate of return
- Cash-on-cash estimates
- 10-year cash-flow projections
- Unit-mix and pricing-optimization tools
- Easy, step-by-step recording of data variables
- Detailed, printable reports
- Ability to customize reports with company logo
- Video tutorials
- Unlimited access with no time constraints
Version 2 of the software was issued in 2017 to streamline efficiency and ease of use. It includes new and refined modules that allow users to make long-term projections on all types of self-storage investments including:
- Existing facilities
- Raw land with new construction
- Conversion projects
- Site expansions
Visit the ISS Store for full product details and to view sample reports.