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ISS Store Featured Product: Video on Self-Storage Website Accessibility and Liability

Article-ISS Store Featured Product: Video on Self-Storage Website Accessibility and Liability

Laws governing site accessibility for disabled persons don’t only apply to your physical self-storage property. You also must comply with regulations for your facility website. In today’s market, you must know and understand these digital principles as well as how to evaluate your website and design it accordingly. Failure to do so could have serious legal repercussions.

In this video filmed during the 2019 Inside Self-Storage World Expo, Chris Eckert guides viewers through “Digital Accessibility: Guidelines and Legal Considerations for Your Self-Storage Website.” The chief technology officer for G5 shares insight to why this issue is so critical and which Web standards apply to self-storage operations. He explains when you’re at risk of a lawsuit and how to protect your business.

The session is available at the ISS Store in DVD and on-demand formats. Bring your website up to legal compliance today!