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Help Pick the Theme for an Upcoming Inside Self-Storage Expo on Self-Storage Talk

Article-Help Pick the Theme for an Upcoming Inside Self-Storage Expo on Self-Storage Talk

<p>If you had to take one sentence and tell someone what your job in self-storage was all about, what would you say? I know it's an abstract question, but it's being discussed right now on Self-Storage Talk, the industry's largest online community.</p>

If you had to take one sentence and tell someone what your job in self-storage was all about, what would you say?

I know it's an abstract question, but it's being discussed right now on Self-Storage Talk, the industry's largest online community. Members are talking about which facets of self-storage are most important to them. Though Inside Self-Storage's team is primarily focused on getting ready for the upcoming fall 2011 ISS World Expo, Oct. 4-6 in Tacoma, Wash., we're already bandying around some ideas for a theme for the 2012 spring show in Las Vegas. And that theme has to come from you, the audience.

Based on feedback, the ISS team knows the next Vegas world expo has to be truly international. It must have a strong speaker and vendor presence from outside the United States. But beyond that, we also want to focus on the themes that are most important to those of you in the trenches. Here's what we've heard so far:

Member LauraGVAZ - "I help people with storing items usually after a major life change, so I become someone to listen to them vent, or cry. But when they leave my store they have stored their belongings and will feel better."

Member MamaDuke - "Marketing myself and my company to the masses by providing superior customer service and a property to be proud of."

Member Tall Terri - "Helping make a difference in someone's life. Good changes as well as bad!"

What's your sentence? What theme best encompasses why you do what do? Visit the thread and share with the community. You must be a registered member to post, but if you're not, registration is free, easy and can be done at