Author Jay Bonansinga, best known for writing “The Walking Dead” novels based on the Robert Kirkman comic-book series, has written a supernatural thriller titled “Self Storage.” The book is being released through Magnetik Ink, an entertainment venture launched by Bonansinga and Jeff Siegel, a marketing and branding consultant, according to a press release.
The company describes the novel as a “moving, suspenseful—and ultimately horrific—journey into the world of addiction and recovery.” The story revolves around Johnny Fitzgerald, a lonely, divorced graphic illustrator with a heroin habit. When Johnny accidentally gets trapped inside a deserted self-storage facility with his 6-year-old son, he is forced to face demons both real and imagined. “Self Storage” is currently available for pre-sale on the Magnetik Ink website.
The entertainment company will specialize in content that is “dark, edgy and controversial,” with a focus on crime noir, fantasy, horror and science fiction, the release stated. “I’ve always dreamed of being part of an entertainment company that puts out cutting-edge and amazing work, but more than that, a company that has a tone—dark, edgy, controversial. We’ve got that with Magnetik Ink,” Bonansinga said.
In addition to nurturing and introducing new authors, Magnetik Ink will create collectible products. “Self Storage” is available in a collector’s edition hardcover as well as paperback.
Bonansinga has authored 23 novels, including the “The Black Mariah,” “Lucid,” “The Sinking of the Eastland” and “Shattered.”