With tomorrow’s big election comes more than just a new president. Everyone is hoping for big changes—FAST. Today’s economy is bad, bad, bad. People are losing their homes and cars. Business owners are closing up shop. And with the holidays looming just on the horizon, it’s hard to keep your chin up.
By now the November issue of Inside Self-Storage has probably made its way to your mailbox. In years past, the annual issue on finance focused on choosing the right lender and loan options or choosing the right time to invest or refinance. This year’s issue is more about surviving than thriving.
But take heart. According to an article on MSN.com, we’re not out of the woods, but at least we’re on the right path.
Again, survival is the key here. That means the best customer service, top-notch employees and clean sites are not just important, but critical to your survival. To make sure potential tenants are choosing you over the facility down the road, check out these articles from the ISS archives.
This article reviews the value of phone skills. With the price of gas still high, many will call several storage facilities before heading out for a tour. Do your phone skills entice or deter prospects?
Once you get the prospect into the parking lot, don’t let poor signage, dead plants and grass or peeling paint turn him around. The July e-book outlines how to make the best impression through facility maintenance.
But your best bet to surviving the economic downturn is your employees. These people are your front line: the ones who can make or break you. One bad interaction could send a tenant packing. This recent article from ISS columnist Brad North shows how essential employee training is in a weak economy.
For more on staffing, training and management, look for the December issue of ISS, or head over to the Self-Storage Training Institute’s new Qualified Storage Management Program.
One final note: I encourage you to get out and vote tomorrow. Make your voice heard.