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Industry Growth in Canada Demands More Attractive Self-Storage Facilities

Article-Industry Growth in Canada Demands More Attractive Self-Storage Facilities

<p>Self-storage developers in Canada are creating more aesthetically pleasing facilities to ensure their projects get the green light from urban planning boards.</p>

Self-storage developers in Canada are creating more aesthetically pleasing facilities to ensure their projects get the green light from urban planning boards.

Operators are seeing an increase in demand due to the development of condos in several Canadian cities, including Montreal. Not only has this led to more development, but also an effort to make self-storage facilities more attractive.

Public Storage Canada, one of the largest operators in the country, is working with municipalities to create more attractive buildings. One of its facilities, an eight-story building in Laval, was named the 2008 international facility of the year by an industry trade publication.

Public Storage is also considering its female clientele, a majority of its customer base, by focusing on both aesthetics and security. Public Storage is currently in development on 10 facilities across the country.

Self-storage developers must also appease the city planning commissions. For example, in Pointe Claire, self-storage can be developed in sites in the citys industrial zone, but can only take up a quarter of the total space. Cities are also concerned about the lack of jobs that come with such a large footprint.
