Thanks to a bill that was introduced to protect deployed service members, the Self Storage Association of Michigan (SSAM) is pursuing renovation of its state self-storage lien law. Senate Bill No. 204 aims to exempt deployed military personnel from enforcement of a lien in the case of self-storage non-payment. Introduced on Feb. 10, 2009, by Sen. Dennis Olshove (D), the bill establishes that a self-storage owner’s right to deny access to a customer who has not paid his bill and to sell the customer’s goods if the bill goes unpaid does not apply to military personnel.
SSAM, which is working with the bill’s sponsors to amend the existing “self-service storage facility act,” will take this opportunity to update other provisions within the lien law. In particular, the association hopes to change the law to reflect new options for lien notification. SSAM will attempt to adopt new lien-law language as endorsed by the national Self Storage Association; the language is also being considered in Arizona, California and North Carolina.
Self Storage Association of Michigan Attempts Lien-Law Renovation
Article-Self Storage Association of Michigan Attempts Lien-Law Renovation
Thanks to a bill that was introduced to protect deployed service members, the Self Storage Association of Michigan (SSAM) is pursuing renovation of its state self-storage lien law.