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Colorado Self Storage Association Aims to Update State Lien-Law Statute

Article-Colorado Self Storage Association Aims to Update State Lien-Law Statute

<p>The Colorado Self Storage Association, with financial support from the national Self Storage Association, is aiming to update the Colorado lien-law statute during the 2011 legislative session.</p>

The Colorado Self Storage Association, with financial support from the national Self Storage Association, is aiming to update the Colorado lien-law statute during the 2011 legislative session. The association has hired lobbyist firm Colorado Communiqué Inc. to help shepherd the bill and get it passed.

The current law, Section 38-21.5, was enacted in the 1980s. CoSSA believes the proposed changes to the law will create a more efficient and less expensive lien-sale process for the states facility operators. Suggested modifications include:

  • Notice of lien may be satisfied by Verified Mail or electronic mail instead of Certified Mail, creating a significant annual savings in postage costs.
  • Lien sales will be advertised in a commercially reasonable manner, eliminating the need for costly advertising in a general circulation newspaper.
  • Language will specify that a motor vehicle or watercraft may be towed from the facility if rent and other charges remain unpaid for 60 days.

CoSSA is appealing to its members and other state self-storage operators for financial support and encouraging them to contact their legislative representatives to discuss the merits of the bill once it is introduced. The association is also asking facility operators to complete a one-question survey that will help it determine how the public learns about self-storage lien sales in the state. To participate in the survey, visit the Members Only section at and choose Take the Survey Now. Members needing help with their username and password should e-mail [email protected].

CoSSA will periodically update its members via e-mail to keep them apprised of the bills progress.